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Space and Astronomy News

Gamma-Ray Evidence Suggests Ancient Mars Had Massive Oceans - An international team of scientists who analyzed data from the Gamma Ray Spectrometer onboard NASA's Mars Odyssey reports new evidence for the controversial idea that oceans once covered about a third of ancient Mars. November 19, 2008

Turning Urine Into Water For Space Station Recycling - Two hundred and fifty miles above the Earth puts you a long way from the nearest kitchen tap. And at $15,000 a pint, the cost of shipping fresh water aboard the space shuttle is, well, astronomical. November 18, 2008

Hubble Observes A Planet Orbiting Another Star - NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has taken the first visible-light snapshot of a planet circling another star. November 14, 2008

Cassini Finds Mysterious New Aurora On Saturn - Saturn has its own unique brand of aurora that lights up the polar cap, unlike any other planetary aurora known in our solar system. November 13, 2008

Telescope Views Glowing Stellar Nurseries - Illustrating the power of submillimetre-wavelength astronomy, an APEX telescope image reveals how an expanding bubble of ionised gas about ten light-years across is causing the surrounding material to collapse into dense clumps that are the birthplaces of new stars. November 12, 2008

Deepest Ultraviolet Image Of The Universe - This uniquely beautiful patchwork image, with its myriad of brightly coloured galaxies, shows the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S), arguably the most observed and best studied region in the entire sky. November 10, 2008

Giant Simulation Could Solve Mystery Of Dark Matter - The search for a mysterious substance which makes up most of the Universe could soon be at an end, according to new research. November 7, 2008

New Spaceship Force Field Makes Mars Trip Possible - According to the international space agencies, "space weather" is the single greatest obstacle to deep space travel. Radiation from the sun and cosmic rays pose a deadly threat to astronauts in space. November 6, 2008

Clues To Planets' Birth Discovered In Meteorites - Meteorites that are among the oldest rocks ever found have provided new clues about the conditions that existed at the beginning of the solar system, solving a longstanding mystery and overturning some accepted ideas about the way planets form. November 5, 2008

Ghost Of Mirach Materializes In Space Telescope Image - NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer has lifted the veil off a ghost known to haunt the local universe, providing new insight into the formation and evolution of galaxies. November 4, 2008

Magnetic Portals Connect Sun And Earth - During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in. November 3, 2008

Searching For Primordial Antimatter - Scientists are on the hunt for evidence of antimatter - matter's arch nemesis - left over from the very early Universe. October 31, 2008

Robotic Ants Building Homes On Mars? - Recent discoveries of water and Earth-like soil on Mars have set imaginations running wild that human beings may one day colonise the Red Planet. October 28, 2008

Cameras Capture Fireball In The Sky - For the second time this year, The University of Western Ontario Meteor Group has captured incredibly rare video footage of a meteor falling to Earth. October 27, 2008

Throwing Light On The Dark Side Of The Universe - Although we may believe humans know a lot about the Universe, there are still a lot of phenomena to be explained. October 24, 2008

Rare Event In Life Of Distant Quasar - A bit of serendipity has given astronomers a surprise view of a never-before-observed event in the birth of a galaxy. October 23, 2008

Claret-colored Cloud With A Massive Heart - A new image released by ESO shows the amazing intricacies of a vast stellar nursery, which goes by the name of Gum 29. October 22, 2008

Cosmic Lens Reveals Distant Galactic Violence - By cleverly unraveling the workings of a natural cosmic lens, astronomers have gained a rare glimpse of the violent assembly of a young galaxy in the early Universe. October 21, 2008

Waterless Concrete Seen As Building Block On Moon - Dr. Houssam Toutanji, a professor at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, has published an article that will demonstrate a concept of creating concrete structures on the lunar surface without the use of water. October 20, 2008

Magellanic Group And Its Seven Dwarf Galaxies - Astronomers at the University of Zurich have proposed a new theory for the formation of dwarf galaxies. October 17, 2008

Violently Variable Black Holes Probed - Unique observations of the flickering light from the surroundings of two black holes provide new insights into the colossal energy that flows at their hearts. October 16, 2008

Giant Cyclones At Saturn's Poles A Mystery - New images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft reveal a giant cyclone at Saturn's north pole, and show that a similarly monstrous cyclone churning at Saturn's south pole is powered by Earth-like storm patterns. October 14, 2008

Space Fly-by Reveals New Insights Into Titan's Life - Cracking the secrets of the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn’s mysterious moon, and how planetary atmospheres evolve, have come a step closer after evaluation of data from a successful fly-by of its surface by the Cassini spacecraft. October 13, 2008

Mercury Like You've Never Seen It Before - NASA's MESSENGER space probe has made its second swing past Mercury, just 125 miles (200 kilometers) above the cratered surface of our solar system's closest planet to the Sun, snapping hundreds of pictures and collecting a variety of other data. October 9, 2008

Stars Stop Forming When Big Galaxies Collide - Astronomers studying new images of a nearby galaxy cluster have found evidence that high-speed collisions between large elliptical galaxies may prevent new stars from forming. October 8, 2008

Sun Is Not A Perfect Sphere - Scientists using NASA’s RHESSI spacecraft have measured the roundness of the sun with unprecedented precision. October 7, 2008

Meteorites Live Up To Earth's Platinum Standard - Some of the world’s rarest and most precious metals, including platinum and iridium, could owe their presence in the Earth’s crust to iron and stony-iron meteorites, fragments of a large number of asteroids that underwent significant geological processing in the early Solar System. October 6, 2008

Infrared Echoes Reveal Supernova Flashback - Hot spots near the shattered remains of an exploded star are echoing the blast's first moments, say scientists using data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. October 2, 2008

Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow On Red Planet - NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth. October 1, 2008

Dark Energy: Is It Merely An Illusion? - Dark energy is at the heart of one of the greatest mysteries of modern physics, but it may be nothing more than an illusion, according physicists at Oxford University. September 30, 2008

NASA Orbiter Reveals Rock Fracture Plumbing On Mars - NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has revealed hundreds of small fractures exposed on the Martian surface that billions of years ago directed flows of water through underground Martian sandstone. September 29, 2008

Bizarre Hibernating Stellar Magnet Discovered - Astronomers have discovered a most bizarre celestial object that emitted 40 visible-light flashes before disappearing again. September 26, 2008

Two Planets Suffer Violent Collision - Two terrestrial planets orbiting a mature sun-like star some 300 light-years from Earth recently suffered a violent collision. September 25, 2008

Saturn's Rings May Be More Massive, Older - Saturn’s rings may be more massive than previously thought, and potentially much older, according to calculations that simulate colliding particles in Saturn’s rings and their erosion by meteorites. September 24, 2008

Astrophysicists 'Weigh' Galaxy's Most Massive Star - Theoretical models of stellar formation propose the existence of very massive stars that can attain up to 150 times the mass of our Sun. September 22, 2008

Halos Of Planetary Nebulae Revealed - Stars without enough mass to turn into exploding supernovae end their lives blowing away most of their mass in a non-explosive, but intense stellar wind. September 15, 2008

Sleek Probe To Map Earth’s Gravity - The European Space Agency is launching a new satellite to map variations in the Earth’s gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. September 12, 2008

'Water Bears' Able To Survive Exposure To Vacuum Of Space - Of all environments, space must be the most hostile: It is freezing cold, close to absolute zero, there is a vacuum, so no oxygen, and the amount of lethal radiation from stars is very high. September 11, 2008

Upper Mass Limit For Black Holes? - There appears to be an upper limit to how big the Universe's most massive black holes can get, according to new research led by a Yale University astrophysicist and published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. September 10, 2008

Comets Throw Light On Solar System's Beginnings - A new picture of the composition of comets is emerging with the help of 21st century technology available at Diamond, the UK’s national synchrotron light source, in Oxfordshire. September 9, 2008

Rosetta Observes Asteroid At Close Quarters - ESA's comet chaser, Rosetta, has flown by a small body in the main asteroid belt, asteroid Steins, collecting a wealth of information about this rare type of minor Solar System body. September 8, 2008

Closest Look Ever At Edge Of A Black Hole - Astronomers have taken the closest look ever at the giant black hole in the center of the Milky Way. September 5, 2008

Pinwheel Shines In The Darkness - ESO's Wide Field Imager has captured the intricate swirls of the spiral galaxy Messier 83, a smaller look-alike of our own Milky Way. September 4, 2008

NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Ascends To Level Ground - NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has climbed out of the large crater that it had been examining from the inside since last September. September 1, 2008

Cluster Watches Earth's Leaky Atmosphere - Oxygen is constantly leaking out of Earth’s atmosphere and into space. Now, ESA’s formation-flying quartet of satellites, Cluster, has discovered the physical mechanism that is driving the escape. August 29, 2008

Massive Galaxies Caught In The Act Of Merging - Astronomers have caught multiple massive galaxies in the act of merging about 4 billion years ago. August 28, 2008

Generations Of Stars Pose For Family Portrait - A new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope tells a tale of life and death amidst a rich family history. August 27, 2008

Mystery Of Young Stars Near Black Holes Solved - The mystery of how young stars can form within the deep gravity of black holes has been solved by a team of astrophysicists at the Universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh. August 26, 2008

Hubble Sees Magnetic Monster In Erupting Galaxy - The Hubble Space Telescope has found the answer to a long-standing puzzle by resolving giant but delicate filaments shaped by a strong magnetic field around the active galaxy NGC 1275. August 22, 2008

Key Advance Toward Micro-spacecraft - Fleets of inexpensive, pint-sized spacecraft are one giant leap closer to lift off. August 21, 2008

Cassini Pinpoints Source Of Jets On Saturn's Moon Enceladus - In a feat of interplanetary sharpshooting, NASA's Cassini spacecraft has pinpointed precisely where the icy jets erupt from the surface of Saturn's geologically active moon Enceladus. August 18, 2008

Students Build And Launch A Sensor Into Space - Students from OSU’s Radiation Physics Laboratory built and successfully launched a cosmic radiation detector this summer that reached the edge of outer space. August 13, 2008

Soil Studies Continue At Site Of Phoenix Mars Lander - NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has continued studies of its landing site by widening a trench, making overnight measurements of conductivity in the Martian soil and depositing a sample of surface soil into a gap between partially opened doors to an analytical oven on the lander. August 12, 2008

Solar System Is Pretty Special - Prevailing theoretical models attempting to explain the formation of the solar system have assumed it to be average in every way. August 11, 2008

Jupiter And Saturn Full Of Liquid Metal Helium - A strange, metal brew lies buried deep within Jupiter and Saturn, according to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, and in London. August 8, 2008

Hubble Spies Thousands Of Globular Clusters - The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has identified thousands of globular clusters - more than 5 billion years old - in the Virgo cluster of galaxies. August 7, 2008

How The First Stars In The Universe Came Into Existence - Researchers believe that our universe began with the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago, and that soon after that event, matter began to form as small dust grains and gases. August 6, 2008

NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water - Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample. August 4, 2008

Watching A 'New Star' Make The Universe Dusty - Using ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer, and its remarkable acuity, astronomers were able for the first time to witness the appearance of a shell of dusty gas around a star that had just erupted, and follow its evolution for more than 100 days. August 1, 2008

Saturn's Moon Titan Has Liquid Surface Lake - Scientists have confirmed that at least one body in our solar system, other than Earth, has a surface liquid lake. July 31, 2008

Exoplanet Orbiting Sun-like Star Discovered - A team of European scientists working with COROT have discovered an exoplanet orbiting a star slightly more massive than the Sun. July 28, 2008

NASA's Deep Impact Films Earth As An Alien World - NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft has created a video of the moon transiting (passing in front of) Earth as seen from the spacecraft's point of view 31 million miles away. Scientists are using the video to develop techniques to study alien worlds. July 23, 2008

Phoenix Rasps Frozen Layer, Collects Sample - A powered rasp on the back of the robotic arm scoop of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander successfully drilled into the frozen soil and loosened material that was collected in the lander's scoop. July 18, 2008

New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes - How do you weigh the biggest black holes in the universe? One answer now comes from a completely new and independent technique that astronomers have developed using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. July 17, 2008

Brightest Star In The Galaxy Has New Competition - A contender for the title of brightest star in our Milky Way galaxy has been unearthed in the dusty metropolis of the galaxy's center. July 16, 2008

Rare 'Star-Making Machine' Found In Distant Universe - Astronomers have uncovered an extreme stellar machine - a galaxy in the very remote universe pumping out stars at a surprising rate of up to 4,000 per year. In comparison, our own Milky Way galaxy turns out an average of just 10 stars per year. July 14, 2008

Evidence Of Water Found Deep Within The Moon - A Brown University-led research team has for the first time discovered evidence of water that came from deep within the Moon. July 11, 2008

Volcanic Activity Shaped Mercury After All - Scientists have long anguished over how little is known about Mercury, the innermost of the four terrestrial planetary bodies in our solar system. July 10, 2008

Einstein Was Right, Astrophysicists Say - Researchers at McGill University's Department of Physics - along with colleagues from several countries - have confirmed a long-held prediction of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, via observations of a binary-pulsar star system. July 9, 2008

Asteroid Impacts On Earth: A Protection Plan - A century ago this week, an event in far-off Siberia rang a cosmic wake-up call for Earth. That explosive event over remote Tunguska is generally viewed by scientists as a large space rock that pierced through the atmosphere of Siberia, then detonated to flatten some 2,000 square kilometers of trees. July 8, 2008

Artificial Black Hole Danger Is Pure Fiction - Particle colliders creating black holes that could devour the Earth. Sounds like a great Hollywood script. But, according to UC Santa Barbara Physics Professor Steve Giddings, it's pure fiction. July 2, 2008

Cluster Satellites Listen To The Sounds Of Earth - The first thing an alien race is likely to hear from Earth is chirps and whistles, a bit like R2-D2, the robot from Star Wars. July 1, 2008

Laser Fluorescence Could Find Life On Mars - A team of scientists from the United States and the United Kingdom has developed a technique using ultraviolet light to identify organic matter in soils that they say could be used to document the existence of life on Mars. June 26, 2008

Radio Telescopes Reveal Unseen Galactic Cannibalism - Radio-telescope images have revealed previously-unseen galactic cannibalism - a triggering event that leads to feeding frenzies by gigantic black holes at the cores of galaxies. June 25, 2008

Phoenix Mars Lander Confirms Frozen Water On Red Planet - Scientists relishing confirmation of water ice near the surface beside NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander anticipate even bigger discoveries from the robotic mission in the weeks ahead. June 24, 2008

Newly Born Twin Stars Are Far From Identical - The analysis of the youngest pair of identical twin stars yet discovered has revealed surprising differences in brightness, surface temperature and possibly even the size of the two. June 23, 2008

Black Holes Have Simple Feeding Habits - The biggest black holes may feed just like the smallest ones, according to data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ground-based telescopes. June 19, 2008

Trio Of Super-Earths - European astronomers have announced a remarkable breakthrough in the field of extra-solar planets. Using the HARPS instrument at the ESO La Silla Observatory, they have found a triple system of super-Earths around the star HD 40307. June 17, 2008

Ultraviolet Gives View Inside Real ‘Death Star’ - Scientists have, for the first time, observed a flash of ultraviolet light from within a dying star giving vital evidence of how stars turn into supernovae. June 16, 2008

Technology Enrolled In Hunt For Life On Mars - Scientists looking for evidence of life on Mars have turned to technology invented by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers to help with their mission. June 12, 2008

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