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Health and Medical News

Polyphenols in Red Wine and Green Tea Halt Prostate Cancer Growth - In what could lead to a major advance in the treatment of prostate cancer, scientists now know exactly why polyphenols in red wine and green tea inhibit cancer growth. June 14, 2010

Spending Time in Nature Makes People Feel More Alive - Feeling sluggish? The solution may require getting outside the box - that big brick-and-mortar box called a building. June 7, 2010

Better Way to Detect Food Allergies - About 30 percent of Americans believe they have food allergies. However, the actual number is far smaller, closer to 5 percent, according to a recent study commissioned by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. May 24, 2010

Brain's Master Switch Is Verified - The protein that has long been suspected by scientists of being the master switch allowing brains to function has now been verified by an Iowa State University researcher. May 10, 2010

Fluorescent Compounds Make Tumors Glow - A series of novel imaging agents could light up tumors as they begin to form - before they turn deadly - and signal their transition to aggressive cancers. May 3, 2010

Substance in Breast Milk Kills Cancer Cells - A substance found in breast milk can kill cancer cells, reveal studies carried out by researchers at Lund University and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. April 26, 2010

New Agent Chokes Off Energy Supply, Kills Cancer Cells - Cancer cells grow so fast that they can outstrip their blood supply, leaving them short of oxygen. The cells then produce energy in a way that needs less oxygen but more sugar. April 12, 2010

Unequal Leg Length Tied To Osteoarthritis - A new study shows that arthritis in the knee is linked to the common trait of having one leg that is longer than the other. April 5, 2010

Structure Of Insulin's Docking Point Identified - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute scientists have determined the structure of a previously unseen part of the insulin receptor, making possible new treatments for diabetes. March 29, 2010

Evolution Of Fairness And Punishment - Researchers have long been puzzled by large societies in which strangers routinely engage in voluntary acts of kindness, respect and mutual benefit even though there is often an individual cost involved. March 22, 2010

New Research Aims to Prevent 'Sudden Cardiac Arrest' - Sudden Cardiac Arrest syndrome (SCA) is poorly understood, but it's a real danger for the otherwise young and healthy. March 15, 2010

New Insight On How Fast Nicotine Peaks In The Brain - Nicotine takes much longer than previously thought to reach peak levels in the brains of cigarette smokers, according to new research conducted at Duke University Medical Center. March 9, 2010

SIBLING Proteins May Predict Oral Cancer - The presence of certain proteins in premalignant oral lesions may predict oral cancer development, Medical College of Georgia researchers said. March 8, 2010

Ultrasound Can Help Doctors Find Cancer - Knowing the stage of a patient's melanoma is important when choosing the best course of treatment. February 25, 2010

New Model For Treatment Of Liver Disease - How do you study-and try to cure in the laboratory-an infection that only humans can get? A team led by Salk Institute researchers does it by generating a mouse with an almost completely human liver. February 24, 2010

Heart Failure Worse When Right Ventricle Goes Bad - New research suggests that the ability of right side of the heart to pump blood may be an indication of the risk of death to heart-failure patients whose condition is caused by low function by the left side of their heart. February 23, 2010

System Unveiled For Regulating Anaesthesia Via Computer - A team of researchers from the Canary Islands has developed a technique for automatically controlling anaesthesia during surgical operations. February 19, 2010

Attacking Cancer Cells With Hydrogel Nanoparticles - One of the difficulties of fighting cancer is that drugs often hit other non-cancerous cells, causing patients to get sick. February 18, 2010

Cooling Inflammation For Healthier Arteries - Agricultural Research Service (ARS)-funded scientists have reported new reasons for choosing "heart-healthy" oats at the grocery store. February 17, 2010

Self-Cannibalizing Cancer Cells Targeted - A team of scientists from Princeton University and The Cancer Institute of New Jersey has embarked on a major new project to unravel the secret lives of cancer cells that go dormant and self-cannibalize to survive periods of stress. February 12, 2010

Biological Risks Of Eating Reptiles - Reptiles are bred in captivity primarily for their skins, but some restaurants and population groups also want them for their meat. February 11, 2010

Beer Is A Rich Source Of Silicon And Prevent Osteoporosis - A new study suggests that beer is a significant source of dietary silicon, a key ingredient for increasing bone mineral density. February 10, 2010

Winning The War On Weight - A Monash University-led nationwide study into the health beliefs and behaviours of obese people has found that the more severely obese a person is, the less likely they feel they can reduce their weight. February 9, 2010

Acetaminophen Protects Kidneys After Muscle Injury - Severe muscle injuries - such as crush injuries suffered in earthquakes, car accidents and explosions, and muscle damage from excessive exercise or statin drug interactions - can cause life-threatening kidney damage. February 4, 2010

Targeting Cancer Stem Cells In The Lab - Understanding of the particular cancer cells within a tumour that drive its growth could now advance more rapidly, thanks to Oxford University scientists. February 1, 2010

Innovation Promises New Hope For Children With Dyslexia - Reading and retaining information. That's the challenge faced by the one in five children who have some form of dyslexia. January 28, 2010

Stroke's 'Death Signal' Can Be Blocked - Biomedical scientists from the University of Central Florida and Louisiana State University have identified a way to block a "cell death signal" that they believe triggers brain damage during strokes. January 26, 2010

New 'Nanoburrs' Could Help Fight Heart Disease - MIT and Harvard researchers have turned their attention to cardiovascular disease, designing new particles that can cling to damaged artery walls and slowly release medicine. January 25, 2010

Blueberry Juice Improves Memory In Older Adults - Scientists are reporting the first evidence from human research that blueberries - one of the richest sources of healthful antioxidants and other so-called phytochemicals - improve memory. January 22, 2010

Cardiologists Discover 'Pouch' In Heart - UC Irvine cardiologists have found a pouchlike structure inside the heart's left atrial chamber that may be a potent source of stroke-causing blood clots. January 21, 2010

Search For An Artificial Blood Substitute - If the current wave of vampire stories is to be believed, humans can peacefully co-exist with vampires. January 18, 2010

Yoga Reduces Cytokine Levels Known To Promote Inflammation - Regularly practicing yoga exercises may lower a number of compounds in the blood and reduce the level of inflammation that normally rises because of both normal aging and stress. January 15, 2010

How High Can a Rock Climber Go? - The maximum time an athlete is able to continue climbing to exhaustion may be the only determinant of his/her performance. January 12, 2010

New Treatment For Hyperactivity In Children - A new thought-operated computer system which can reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children will be rolled out across the UK this month. January 11, 2010

Electric Field Propels Worms To Test New Drugs - A Nobel-winning process for testing new drugs to treat diseases such as Huntington's, Parkinson's, and muscular dystrophy is getting an electrical charge. January 6, 2010

Pandemic Toolkit Offers Flu With A View - As communities brace for rising wintertime influenza cases, scientists are developing a mathematical and visual analytic toolkit to help health officials quickly analyze pandemics and craft better response strategies. January 5, 2010

Champagne Is Good For Your Heart - Research from the University of Reading suggests that two glasses of champagne a day may be good for your heart and circulation. December 31, 2009

Lighting Can Influence How Wine Tastes - The background lighting provided in a room has an influence on how we taste wine. December 30, 2009

Bacteria Make Artificial Blood Vessels Of The Future - The cellulose produced by bacteria could be used for artificial blood vessels in the future as it carries a lower risk of blood clots than the synthetic materials currently used for bypass operations. December 25, 2009

New Golden Ratios For Female Facial Beauty - Beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder but also in the relationship of the eyes and mouth of the beholden. December 18, 2009

Pistachios May Reduce Lung Cancer Risk - A diet that incorporates a daily dose of pistachios may help reduce the risk of lung and other cancers, according to data presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference, held Dec. 6-9. December 10, 2009

Tiny RNA Has Big Impact on Lung Cancer Tumors - Researchers from Yale University and Mirna Therapeutics, Inc., reversed the growth of lung tumors in mice using a naturally occurring tumor suppressor microRNA. December 9, 2009

Simulated Car Crashes Involving Pregnant Women - Although states are not required to report fetal deaths in accident data, between 300 and 1,000 unborn babies die in car accidents each year. December 4, 2009

Good Stress Response Enhances Recovery from Surgery - The right kind of stress response in the operating room could lead to quicker recovery for patients after knee surgery, according to a new study led by Stanford University School of Medicine researchers. December 3, 2009

Birth Control Pill for Men? - A new research report published in the December 2009 print issue of The FASEB Journal could one day give men similar type of control over their fertility that women have had since the 1960s. December 1, 2009

Some Germs Are Good for You - On the skin's surface, bacteria are abundant, diverse and constant, but inflammation is undesirable. November 24, 2009

Clearer View of How Eye Lens Proteins Are Sorted - New research reveals how proteins that are critical for the transparency of the eye lens are properly sorted and localized in membrane bilayers. November 23, 2009

Babies' Language Learning Starts From The Womb - From their very first days, newborns' cries already bear the mark of the language their parents speak. November 6, 2009

Thyroid Surgery Safe For Older Patients - Thyroid surgery is safe for older patients, say physicians who found only slight differences in rates of complications and hospital readmissions in a multi-year study. October 28, 2009

New Path For Treating Traumas Discovered - A discovery by scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation could help save lives threatened by traumatic injuries like those sustained in car crashes or on the battlefield. October 27, 2009

Alzheimer's Lesions Found In The Retina - The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but new research indicates they also may mirror a brain ravaged by Alzheimer's disease. October 23, 2009

New Strategy For Mending Broken Hearts? - By mimicking the way embryonic stem cells develop into heart muscle in a lab, Duke University bioengineers believe they have taken an important first step toward growing a living "heart patch" to repair heart tissue damaged by disease. October 13, 2009

Major Step Forward In Cell Reprogramming - A team of Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers has made a major advance toward producing induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, that are safe enough to use in treating diseases in patients. October 12, 2009

Eating Licorice In Pregnancy May Affect A Child's IQ And Behavior - Expectant mothers who eat excessive quantities of licorice during pregnancy could adversely affect their child's intelligence and behavior, a study has shown. October 8, 2009

How Soy Reduces Diabetes Risk - Nutrition scientists have identified the molecular pathway that allows foods rich in soy bioactive compounds called isoflavones to lower diabetes and heart disease risk. October 7, 2009

Taking Sharper Aim At Stomach Ulcer Bacteria - Scientists are reporting discovery of a much sought after crack in the armor of a common microbe that infects the stomachs of one-sixth of the world's population, causing stomach ulcers and other diseases. October 1, 2009

Social Isolation Worsens Cancer - Using mice as a model to study human breast cancer, researchers have demonstrated that a negative social environment (in this case, isolation) causes increased tumor growth. September 30, 2009

How HIV Cripples Immune Cells - In order to be able to ward off disease pathogens, immune cells must be mobile and be able to establish contact with each other. September 29, 2009

Retinal Implant Could Help Restore Useful Level Of Vision - Inspired by the success of cochlear implants that can restore hearing to some deaf people, researchers at MIT are working on a retinal implant that could one day help blind people regain a useful level of vision. September 25, 2009

Super Bedsheet Solves Delivery-room Problems - Astrid Skreosen has worked for many years as an auxiliary nurse in the maternity ward in Skien Hospital. September 17, 2009

Flying By The Skin Of Our Teeth - It's been a mystery: how can our teeth withstand such an enormous amount of pressure, over many years, when tooth enamel is only about as strong as glass? September 7, 2009

Internet Complicates Doctor-Patient Relationships - Patients who ask their doctor about information they have read on the Internet, or webs that better inform them of their diagnosis, are no longer a rarity. September 2, 2009

New Technology Helps Parkinson's Patients Speak Louder - Researchers have developed a new technology that helps Parkinson's patients overcome the tendency to speak too quietly by playing a recording of ambient sound, which resembles the noisy chatter of a restaurant full of patrons. August 27, 2009

An Inner 'Fingerprint' For Personalizing Medical Care - Fingerprints move over. Scientists are reporting evidence that people have another defining trait that may distinguish each of the 6.7 billion humans on Earth from one another almost as surely as the arches, loops, and whorls on their fingertips. August 24, 2009

Painless 'Microneedle' Patch May Take Sting Out Of Shots - Good news for people fearful of needles and squeamish of shots: Scientists report the design of a painless patch that may someday render hypodermic needles - as well as annual flu shots - a thing of the past. August 20, 2009

New Method Takes Aim At Aggressive Cancer Cells - A multi-institutional team of Boston-area researchers has discovered a chemical that works in mice to kill the rare but aggressive cells within breast cancers that have the ability to seed new tumors. August 18, 2009

Scientists Report Original Source Of Malaria - Researchers have identified what they believe is the original source of malignant malaria: a parasite found in chimpanzees in equatorial Africa. August 5, 2009

Unlocking The Key To Human Fertility - Scientists at Leeds and Bradford have discovered a unique ‘DNA signature’ in human sperm, which may act as a key that unlocks an egg’s fertility and triggers new life. August 4, 2009

New Chlamydia Test Offers Rapid, Pain-free Test For Men - A new urine test developed with funding from the Wellcome Trust will allow doctors to diagnose Chlamydia infection in men within the hour, improving the ability to successfully treat the infection on the spot and prevent re-transmission. July 30, 2009

Do You Believe In Tooth Worms? - New, micro-images of strange, worm-like structures uncovered inside a dissected molar might have been held in ancient times as proof that gnawing tooth worms were the cause of tooth decay, a theory widely believed in many cultures before modern times. July 29, 2009

Fighting Hepatitis E Atom By Atom - Researchers at Rice University and their international colleagues have for the first time described the atomic structure of the protein shell that carries the genetic code of hepatitis E (HEV). July 28, 2009

Injection Reverses Heart-attack Damage - Injured heart tissue normally can't regrow, but researchers at Children's Hospital Boston have now laid the groundwork for regenerating heart tissue after a heart attack, in patients with heart failure, or in children with congenital heart defects. July 24, 2009

Rock Climbing-related Injuries Increasing - In the past decade the popularity of rock climbing has dramatically increased. It has been estimated that rock climbing is now enjoyed by more than 9 million people in the U.S. each year. July 23, 2009

Genetic Source Of Muscular Dystrophy Neutralized - Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center have found a way to block the genetic flaw at the heart of a common form of muscular dystrophy. July 20, 2009

Number Of Patients With Dementia On The Rise - By the year 2050, about 30 million Americans are expected to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Experts in the field are trying to determine if sophisticated imaging equipment can help predict the development of the disease. July 14, 2009

One-finger Exercise Reveals Unexpected Limits To Dexterity - Push your finger as hard as you can against the surface. Now as hard as you can but move it slowly - follow the ticking clock. Now faster. Now faster. July 13, 2009

New Evidence That Vinegar May Be Natural Fat-fighter - Researchers in Japan are reporting new evidence that the ordinary vinegar - a staple in oil-and-vinegar salad dressings, pickles, and other foods - may live up to its age-old reputation in folk medicine as a health promoter. July 8, 2009

Possibility Of Vaccine For Ear Infections - Otitis media, more commonly known as an ear infection, is the most frequently diagnosed illness in children less than 15 years of age in the United States and is the primary cause for emergency room visits. July 3, 2009

Latest In Technology Looks Into Some Old Bones - Many of us have broken bones in our bodies at one time or another, and when this happens a healing process begins. June 26, 2009

Gene Therapy Gets Under The Skin - Vaseline, a known molecule from apples and a gene network encapsulated in algal gelatin are the components of a possible gene therapy which literally gets under the skin. June 25, 2009

New Nanoparticles Could Lead To End Of Chemotherapy - Nanoparticles specially engineered by University of Central Florida Assistant Professor J. Manuel Perez and his colleagues could someday target and destroy tumors, sparing patients from toxic, whole-body chemotherapies. June 19, 2009

Potential For Non-invasive Brain Tumor Treatment - Duke University engineers have taken a first step toward a minimally invasive treatment of brain tumors by combining chemotherapy with heat administered from the end of a catheter. June 18, 2009

Marijuana Damages DNA And May Cause Cancer - Using a highly sensitive new test, scientists in Europe are reporting "convincing evidence" that marijuana smoke damages the genetic material DNA in ways that could increase the risk of cancer. June 16, 2009

Stress Makes Your Hair Go Gray - Those pesky graying hairs that tend to crop up with age really are signs of stress, reveals a new report in the journal Cell. June 15, 2009

Advance In Bowel Cancer Test Research - Australian researchers have developed gene expression biomarkers which can accurately discriminate pre-cancerous and cancerous colorectal growths from non-cancerous controls. June 10, 2009

Cigarette Smoking Does Not Affect Everyone In Same Way - Cigarette smoking induced COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a disease that results in severe breathing difficulty. According to World Health Organization it is the fourth leading killer worldwide. June 5, 2009

Quicker, Cheaper SARS Virus Detector - Members of a USC-led research team say they've made a big improvement in a new breed of electronic detectors for viruses and other biological materials - one that may be a valuable addition to the battle against epidemics. June 2, 2009

Portable Device Can Detect Viruses In Minutes - Imagine being able to detect in just a few minutes whether someone is infected with a virus. May 29, 2009

Elderly Women With 'Dowager's Hump' May Be At Higher Risk Of Earlier Death - Hyperkyphosis, or "dowager's hump" - the exaggerated forward curvature of the upper spine seen commonly in elderly women - may predict earlier death in women whether or not they have vertebral osteoporosis, UCLA researchers have found. May 27, 2009

Artificial Skin Manufactured In Fully Automated Process - Skin from a factory - this has long been the dream of pharmacologists, chemists and doctors. May 20, 2009

Gene Transfer Technology May Lead To HIV Vaccine - A research team may have broken the stubborn impasse that has frustrated the invention of an effective HIV vaccine, by using an approach that bypasses the usual path followed by vaccine developers. May 19, 2009

Progress Toward Artificial Tissue? - For modern implants and the growth of artificial tissue and organs, it is important to generate materials with characteristics that closely emulate nature. May 18, 2009

New Tissue Scaffold Regrows Cartilage And Bone - MIT engineers and colleagues have built a new tissue scaffold that can stimulate bone and cartilage growth when transplanted into the knees and other joints. May 14, 2009

New High Blood Pressure Genes Identified - Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, along with an international team of collaborators, have identified common genetic changes associated with blood pressure and hypertension. May 12, 2009

Cigarette Smoke May Rob Children Of Needed Antioxidants - Children exposed to cigarette smoke have lower levels of antioxidants, which help the body defend itself against many biological stresses. May 8, 2009

How Human Ear Translates Vibrations Into Sounds - Scientists thought they had a good model to explain how the inner ear translates vibrations in the air into sounds heard by the brain. April 29, 2009

Viruses Can Turn Harmless E. Coli Dangerous - For her doctorate, Camilla Sekse studied how viral DNA can be transmitted from pathogenic to non-pathogenic E. coli. Viruses that infect bacteria in this way are called bacteriophages. April 23, 2009

Cracking The Root Of Tooth Strength - After years of biting and chewing, how are human teeth able to remain intact and functional? April 21, 2009

Lack Of Key Molecule Leads To Deafness - Despite modern medicine, one in 1,000 American babies are born deaf. The numbers increase markedly with age, with more than 50% of seniors in the United States experiencing some form of hearing loss. April 20, 2009

Music Reduces Stress In Heart Disease Patients - Listening to music may benefit patients who suffer severe stress and anxiety associated with having and undergoing treatment for coronary heart disease. April 16, 2009

Baby's First Dreams - After about seven months growing in the womb, a human fetus spends most of its time asleep. Its brain cycles back and forth between the frenzied activity of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and the quiet resting state of non-REM sleep. April 15, 2009

Eye Exercises Help Patients Work Out Vision Problems - You've probably been there. In a doctor's office, being advised to do what you dread - exercise. You get that feeling in your gut, acknowledging that, indeed, you should exercise but probably won't. April 10, 2009

New Approach Discovered To Lowering Triglycerides - Studies done with laboratory rats suggest that supplementation of their diet with lipoic acid had a significant effect in lowering triglycerides, which along with cholesterol levels and blood pressure are one of the key risk factors in cardiovascular disease. April 8, 2009

New Way To Battle MRSA And Superbugs - Experts from Queen's University Belfast have developed new agents to fight MRSA and other hospital-acquired infections that are resistant to antibiotics. April 3, 2009

New Risk Factor For Melanoma In Younger Women - Researchers may have found a more potent risk factor for melanoma than blistering sunburns, freckling, or family history of the deadly skin disease. April 2, 2009

Researchers Pump Up Artificial Muscles - During a demonstration at the SPIE 2009 conference, a team from the University of Pisa, Italy showed off how they used folded film to create an actuator muscle. March 31, 2009

'Master Regulator' Of Skin Formation Discovered - Researchers at Oregon State University have found one gene in the human body that appears to be a master regulator for skin development, in research that could help address everything from skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis to the wrinkling of skin as people age. March 26, 2009

Special Yogurt Fights Stomach Ulcer Bacteria - Results of the first human clinical studies confirm that a new yogurt fights the bacteria that cause gastritis and stomach ulcers with what researchers describe as almost vaccine-like effects. March 24, 2009

An Altitude Test For Soldiers - Thomas McGlone, a final-year Sports Therapy, Health and Fitness student at the University’s Medway campus, is researching the effects of altitude on soldiers’ training and performance. March 18, 2009

Inserting Catheters Without X-rays - X-rays penetrate the patient’s body, helping the doctor guide the catheter through the artery. In future, it will be possible to monitor the position of the catheter without exposing the patient to X-ray radiation, and without the need for a contrast medium. March 16, 2009

High IQ Linked To Reduced Risk Of Death - A study of one million Swedish men has revealed a strong link between cognitive ability and the risk of death, suggesting that government initiatives to increase education opportunities may also have health benefits. March 13, 2009

Why People Often Get Sicker When They Are Stressed - A newly discovered receptor in a strain of Escherichia coli might help explain why people often get sicker when they're stressed. March 11, 2009

New Test For Detecting Fake Organic Milk - Scientists in Germany are reporting development of a new, more effective method to determine whether milk marketed as "organic" is genuine or just ordinary milk mislabeled to hoodwink consumers. March 4, 2009

Psychologists Shed Light On Origins Of Morality - In everyday language, people sometimes say that immoral behaviours “leave a bad taste in your mouth”. March 3, 2009

New Surgical Implant Prevents Total Blindness - A new devices helps prevent complete vision loss and eliminate dependence on systemic immunosuppression for rare, but potentially devastating, eye condition. March 2, 2009

Molecule Helps Sleep-deprived Rebound Mentally - Sleep experts know that the mental clarity lost because of a few sleepless nights can often be restored with a good night’s rest. February 26, 2009

Top Soccer Players Dissatisfied With Physique - Body composition, anthropometrical dimensions and morphological characteristics play a key role in the success of soccer players. February 19, 2009

Scientists Identify Potential Key To Lyme Disease - Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have identified a protein that may help give Lyme disease its bite. February 11, 2009

Surgeons Use Microwave Technology To Destroy Tumors - A new minimally-invasive option for treating liver tumors, called microwave ablation, is now available at UC San Diego Medical Center and Moores UCSD Cancer Center, the only hospitals in the region to offer this technology to patients. February 6, 2009

Bone Growth Accelerated With Nanotubes And Stem Cells - Engineers at the University of California at San Diego have come up with a way to help accelerate bone growth through the use of nanotubes and stem cells. February 2, 2009

Newborn Infants Detect The Beat In Music - Researchers at the Institute for Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the University of Amsterdam demonstrated that two to three day old babies can detect the beat in music. January 28, 2009

What Works Better For Smokers? - A study from the University of Bath has found that smokers are twice as likely to kick the habit if they use a support group rather than trying to give up alone. January 27, 2009

Makeover Shows Correspond With Increased Body Anxiety - “The Swan.” “I Want a Famous Face.” “Dr. 90210.” “Extreme Makeover.” “Nip/Tuck.” The list goes on. These are a few of the TV shows that have examined, and promoted, the benefits of plastic surgery in recent years. January 26, 2009

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