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Biology News

Climate Change Complicates Plant Diseases of the Future - Human-driven changes in the earth's atmospheric composition are likely to alter plant diseases of the future. June 28, 2010

Malaria Threat Is as Old as Humanity - New research by scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) shows that malaria is tens of thousands of years older than previously thought. June 21, 2010

New Species of Large Blue Butterfly Discovered - Chinese and German scientists have found a new butterfly species in the south of China. It is the first known species of the family of large blue butterflies found to live in mountain forests. June 14, 2010

Glaciers in Tibet Were Never Really Large - The Tibetan Plateau is the largest and highest mountain region on Earth with glaciers whose meltwater provides the water supply for more than 1.3 billion people through several of the largest rivers in Asia. June 7, 2010

First Horned Dinosaur from Mexico - A new species of horned dinosaur unearthed in Mexico has larger horns that any other species - up to 4 feet long - and has given scientists fresh insights into the ancient history of western North America. May 31, 2010

Why a Whiff of Cats or Rats Is Scary - Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have found a specific chemical compound secreted by many predators that makes mice behave fearfully. May 17, 2010

New Protein Involved in Longevity Identified -Researchers in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Thomas Jefferson University have found that the level of a single protein in the tiny roundworm C. elegans determines how long it lives. May 10, 2010

Brains, Worms and Computer Chips Have Striking Similarities - An international team of scientists has discovered striking similarities between the human brain, the nervous system of a worm, and a computer chip. April 26, 2010

Clues from Green Algae on the Origin of Males and Females - A multicellular green alga, Volvox carteri, may have finally unlocked the secrets behind the evolution of different sexes. April 19, 2010

Toads' Earthquake Exodus - Common toads (Bufo bufo) can detect impending seismic activity and alter their behaviour from breeding to evacuation mode. April 5, 2010

New Human Species Discovered - An international team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig has sequenced ancient mitochondrial DNA from a finger bone of a female found in southern Siberia. March 29, 2010

New Species Of Raptor Dinosaur In Inner Mongolia - A new species of dinosaur, a relative of the famous Velociraptor, has been discovered in Inner Mongolia by two PhD students. March 22, 2010

Scientists Discover 600 Million-Year-Old Origins Of Vision - By studying the hydra, a member of an ancient group of sea creatures that is still flourishing, scientists at UC Santa Barbara have made a discovery in understanding the origins of human vision. March 15, 2010

New Evidence Hints At Global Glaciation 716.5 Million Years Ago - Geologists have found evidence that sea ice extended to the equator 716.5 million years ago, bringing new precision to a "snowball Earth" event long suspected to have taken place around that time. March 9, 2010

Oldest Known Dinosaur Relative Discovered - Until now, paleontologists have generally believed that the closest relatives of dinosaurs possibly looked a little smaller in size, walked on two legs and were carnivorous. March 5, 2010

Artificial Bee Silk A Big Step Closer To Reality - CSIRO scientist Dr Tara Sutherland and her team have achieved another important milestone in the international quest to artificially produce insect silk. March 4, 2010

Fossil Snake From India Fed On Hatchling Dinosaurs - The remains of an extraordinary fossil unearthed in 67-million-year-old sediments from Gujarat, western India provide a rare glimpse at an unusual feeding behavior in ancient snakes. March 3, 2010

DNA Sequence Of Extinct Ancient Cattle Uncovered - Researchers, based in Ireland and Britain, have found the complete mitochondrial DNA genome sequence of ancient wild cattle using a sample from a 6,700 year-old bone. March 2, 2010

Large Iceberg Breaks Off Antarctica's Mertz Glacier - A joint Australian-French study has discovered the calving of a large iceberg from the Mertz Glacier in the Australian Antarctic Territory. March 1, 2010

New Dinosaur Discovered Head First - A team of paleontologists has discovered a new dinosaur species they're calling Abydosaurus, which belongs to the group of gigantic, long-necked, long-tailed, four-legged, plant-eating dinosaurs such as Brachiosaurus. February 25, 2010

New Study Establishes Relationships Among All Arthropods - Since the dawn of the biological sciences, humankind has struggled to comprehend the relationships among the major groups of "jointed-legged" animals - the arthropods. February 24, 2010

Scorpion Venom Could Be An Alternative To Morphine - Scorpion venom is notoriously poisonous - but it might be used as an alternative to dangerous and addictive painkillers like morphine, a Tel Aviv University researcher claims. February 23, 2010

Scientists Unlock Mystery In Important Photosynthesis Step - An international team of scientists, including two from Arizona State University, has taken a significant step closer to unlocking the secrets of photosynthesis, and possibly to cleaner fuels. February 22, 2010

Photosynthesis: A New Source Of Electrical Energy? - Scientists in France have transformed the chemical energy generated by photosynthesis into electrical energy by developing a novel biofuel cell. February 19, 2010

First Brain Recordings From Flying Fruit Flies - Researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have obtained the first recordings of brain-cell activity in an actively flying fruit fly. February 16, 2010

Are High Speed Elephants Running Or Walking? - Most animals don't think anything of breaking into a run: they switch effortlessly from walking to a high-speed bouncing run. But what about elephants? February 15, 2010

Moss Helps Chart The Conquest Of Land By Plants - Recent work at Washington University in St. Louis sheds light on one of the most important events in earth-history, the conquest of land by plants 480 million years ago. February 11, 2010

Dinosaur Had Vibrant Colors - Deciphering microscopic clues hidden within fossils, scientists have uncovered the vibrant colors that adorned a feathered dinosaur extinct for 150 million years. February 8, 2010

Learning from Climate's Sedimental Journey - By analyzing sediments up to 4,000 years old, Susan Zimmerman is hoping to provide a tool to help predict future climate change. February 5, 2010

Fossils Show Earliest Animal Trails - Trails found in rocks dating back 565 million years are thought to be the earliest evidence of animal locomotion ever found. February 4, 2010

New Species Of Tyrannosaur Discovered - New Mexico is known for Aztec ruins and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Paleontologists Thomas Williamson of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Thomas Carr of Carthage College is now bringing a new superstar to the state. February 2, 2010

Microbes Produce Fuels Directly From Biomass - A collaboration led by researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) has developed a microbe that can produce an advanced biofuel directly from biomass. February 1, 2010

Color Of Dinosaur Feathers Identified - The colour of some feathers on dinosaurs and early birds has been identified for the first time, reports a paper recently published in Nature. January 29, 2010

Is the Hobbit's Brain Unfeasibly Small? - Homo floresiensis, a pygmy-sized small-brained hominin popularly known as 'the Hobbit' was discovered five years ago, but controversy continues over whether the small brain is actually due to a pathological condition. January 28, 2010

Dinosaur Extinction Grounded Ancient Birds - An abundance of food and lack of predators following the extinction of dinosaurs saw previously flighted birds fatten up and become flightless, according to new research from The Australian National University. January 27, 2010

Humans Caused Demise Of Australia's Megafauna - A new scientific paper reports strong evidence that humans, not climate change, caused the demise of Australia's megafauna - giant marsupials, huge reptiles and flightless birds - at least 40,000 years ago. January 25, 2010

New Theory On The Origin Of Primates - A new model for primate origins is presented in Zoologica Scripta, published by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. January 21, 2010

Wild Crows Reveal Tool Skills - A new study using motion sensitive video cameras has revealed how New Caledonian crows use tools in the wild. January 19, 2010

For This Microbe, Cousins Not Particularly Welcome - A bacterial species that depends on cooperation to survive is discriminating when it comes to the company it keeps. January 14, 2010

Microbe Collections Accelerate Discoveries - Contact lens wearers may remember headlines from a few years ago about molds that can live on the lenses and may cause debilitating eye infections. January 13, 2010

Ant Has Given Up Sex Completely - The complete asexuality of a widespread fungus-gardening ant, the only ant species in the world known to have dispensed with males entirely has been confirmed. January 11, 2010

Rebirth Of An Island After Volcanic Eruption - When Alaska's Kasatochi Volcano erupted on Aug. 7, 2008, it virtually sterilized Kasatochi Island, covering the small Aleutian island with a layer of ash and other volcanic material several meters thick. January 8, 2010

Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease - Cells that protect nerves are the likely origin of the Devil Facial Tumour Disease that has been devastating Australia's Tasmanian devil population, an international team of scientists has discovered. January 5, 2010

Fast Pace Of Glacier Melt In The 1940s - The most recent studies by researchers at ETH Zurich show that in the 1940s Swiss glaciers were melting at an even-faster pace than at present. January 4, 2010

Marseillevirus - A New Member Of the Giant Viruses - When spider mites attack a bean plant, the plant responds by producing odours which attract predatory mites. January 1, 2010

Whiteflies Sabotage Alarm System Of Plant in Distress - When spider mites attack a bean plant, the plant responds by producing odours which attract predatory mites. December 29, 2009

Ladder-Walking Locusts Use Vision To Climb - Scientists have shown for the first time that insects, like mammals, use vision rather than touch to find footholds. December 28, 2009

Wild Chimps Have Near Human Understanding Of Fire - The use and control of fire are behavioral characteristics that distinguish humans from other animals. December 25, 2009

Australian Fossil Unlocks Secrets To The Origin Of Whales - Museum Victoria palaeobiologist Dr Erich Fitzgerald has made groundbreaking discoveries into the origin of baleen whales, based on a 25-million-year-old fossil found near Torquay in Victoria, Australia. December 24, 2009

Poisonous Prehistoric 'Raptor' Discovered In China - A group of University of Kansas researchers working with Chinese colleagues have discovered a venomous, birdlike raptor that thrived some 128 million years ago in China. December 23, 2009

Deepest Explosive Eruption on Sea Floor - Oceanographers using the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Jason discovered and recorded the first video and still images of a deep-sea volcano actively erupting molten lava on the seafloor. December 22, 2009

Why Some Insects Can Survive Freezing - Using a microscope the size of a football field, researchers from The University of Western Ontario are studying why some insects can survive freezing, while others cannot. December 21, 2009

NASA Tech Zooms In On Water And Land - In a pilot project that could help better manage the planet's strained natural resources, space-age technologies are helping a Washington state community monitor its water availability. December 18, 2009

How Do Salamanders Grow a New Leg? - The most comprehensive study to date of the proteins in a species of salamander that can regrow appendages may provide important clues to how similar regeneration could be induced in humans. December 17, 2009

Prussian Blue Salt Linked To Origin Of Life - A team of researchers from the Astrobiology Centre (INTA-CSIC) has shown that hydrogen cyanide, urea and other substances considered essential to the formation of the most basic biological molecules can be obtained from the salt Prussian blue. December 16, 2009

Understanding Ocean Climate - High-resolution computer simulations performed by scientists at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton are helping to understand the inflow of North Atlantic water to the Arctic Ocean and how this influences ocean climate. December 14, 2009

Early Carnivorous Dinosaur Crossed Continents - Did the first dinosaurs wander across continents or stay put where they first evolved? The first dinosaurs evolved 230 million years ago when the continents were assembled into one landmass called Pangea. December 11, 2009

Sea Level Could Rise from 0.75 to 1.9 Meters This Century - A new scientific study warns that sea level could rise much faster than previously expected. By the year 2100, global sea level could rise between 75 and 190 centimetres. December 9, 2009

King Crab Family Bigger Than Ever - Sally Hall, a PhD student at the University of Southampton's School of Ocean and Earth Science at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton has formally described four new species of king crab, all from the deep sea. December 8, 2009

Big Freeze Plunged Europe Into Ice Age in Months - In the film The Day After Tomorrow, the world enters the icy grip of a new glacial period within the space of just a few weeks. Now new research shows that this scenario may not be so far from the truth after all. December 1, 2009

New Chameleon Species Discovered in East Africa - Dr Andrew Marshall, from the Environment Department at the University of York, first spotted the animal while surveying monkeys in the Magombera Forest when he disturbed a twig snake eating one. November 26, 2009

Mysteriously Warm Times in Antarctica - A new study of Antarctica's past climate reveals that temperatures during the warm periods between ice ages may have been higher than previously thought. November 23, 2009

Supercrocodile Inhabit Lost World of Sahara - A suite of five ancient crocs, including one with teeth like boar tusks and another with a snout like a duck's bill, have been discovered in the Sahara by National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Paul Sereno. November 20, 2009

Heart Disease Found in Egyptian Mummies - Hardening of the arteries has been detected in Egyptian mummies, some as old as 3,500 years, suggesting that the factors causing heart attack and stroke are not only modern ones; they afflicted ancient people, too. November 18, 2009

Warmer Means Windier on World's Biggest Lake - Rising water temperatures are kicking up more powerful winds on Lake Superior, with consequences for currents, biological cycles, pollution and more on the world's largest lake and its smaller brethren. November 17, 2009

Greenland Ice Cap Melting Faster Than Ever - Satellite observations and a state-of-the art regional atmospheric model have independently confirmed that the Greenland ice sheet is losing mass at an accelerating rate. November 16, 2009

Bizarre Lives Of Bone-eating Worms - It sounds like a classic horror story - eyeless, mouthless worms lurk in the dark, settling onto dead animals and sending out green "roots" to devour their bones. November 13, 2009

Why Nice Guys Usually Get The Girls - Female water striders often reject their most persistent and aggressive suitors and prefer the males who aren't so grabby, according to new research. November 12, 2009

Scientists Take New Approach To Predict Gene Expression - Embryonic development is like a well-organised building project, with the embryo's DNA serving as the blueprint from which all construction details are derived. November 11, 2009

Ants Are Friendly To Some Trees, But Not Others - Tree-dwelling ants generally live in harmony with their arboreal hosts. But new research suggests that when they run out of space in their trees of choice, the ants can get destructive to neighboring trees. November 10, 2009

Seafloor Fossils Provide Clues To Climate Change - Deep under the sea, a fossil the size of a sand grain is nestled among a billion of its closest dead relatives. November 9, 2009

Researchers Sequence Swine Genome - A global collaborative has produced a first draft of the genome of a domesticated pig, an achievement that will lead to insights in agriculture, medicine, conservation and evolution. November 5, 2009

New Clues To Extinct Falklands Wolf Mystery - Ever since the Falklands wolf was described by Darwin himself, the origin of this now-extinct canid found only on the Falkland Islands far off the east coast of Argentina has remained a mystery. November 4, 2009

Terrible Teens Of T. Rex - In a new scientific paper, researchers from Northern Illinois University and the Burpee Museum of Natural History in Rockford report that adolescent tyrannosaurs got into some serious scraps with their peers. November 3, 2009

HIV Tamed By Designer 'Leash' - Researchers have shown how an antiviral protein produced by the immune system, dubbed tetherin, tames HIV and other viruses by literally putting them on a leash, to prevent their escape from infected cells. November 2, 2009

Scientists Discover Influenza's Achilles Heel - As the nation copes with a shortage of vaccines for H1N1 influenza, a team of Alabama researchers have raised hopes that they have found an Achilles' heel for all strains of the flu - antioxidants. October 30, 2009

Diseases Spreading From Humans To Animals - Globalisation and industrialisation are causing diseases to spread from humans to animals, a study has shown. October 29, 2009

The Lotus's Clever Way Of Staying Dry - An ancient Confucian philosopher once said, "I love the lotus because while growing from mud, it is unstained." October 26, 2009

Scientists Discover Largest Orb-weaving Spider - Researchers from the United States and Slovenia have discovered a new, giant Nephila species (golden orb weaver spider) from Africa and Madagascar. October 22, 2009

'Mummified' Pine Trees Found - Norwegian scientists have found “mummified” pine trees, dead for nearly 500 years yet without decomposition. October 20, 2009

Scientists Give Flies False Memories - By directly manipulating the activity of individual neurons, scientists have given flies memories of a bad experience they never really had, according to a report in the October 16th issue of the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication. October 19, 2009

Researchers Identify Workings Of L-form Bacteria - Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have for the first time identified the genetic mechanisms involved in the formation and survival of L-form bacteria. October 16, 2009

Chimpanzees Help On Request But Not Voluntarily - The evolution of altruism has long puzzled researchers and has mainly been explained previously from ultimate perspectives - "I will help you now because I expect there to be some long-term benefit to me". October 15, 2009

Risks Of Giant Invasive Snakes In The United States - Five giant non-native snake species would pose high risks to the health of ecosystems in the United States should they become established here. October 14, 2009

New Mesozoic Mammal - An international team of paleontologists has discovered a new species of mammal that lived 123 million years ago in what is now the Liaoning Province in northeastern China. October 12, 2009

Rare Evidence Of Dinosaur Cannibalism - University of Alberta researcher Phil Bell has found 70 million year old evidence of dinosaur cannibalism. October 9, 2009

Bizarre New Horned Tyrannosaur From Asia - Just a few weeks after tiny, early Raptorex kriegsteini was unveiled, a new wrench has been thrown into the family tree of the tyrannosaurs. October 7, 2009

New Luminescent Mushroom Species Discovered - Seven new glow-in-the-dark mushroom species have been discovered, increasing the number of known luminescent fungi species from 64 to 71. October 6, 2009

Loss Of Top Predators Causing Surge In Smaller Predators - The catastrophic decline around the world of "apex" predators such as wolves, cougars, lions or sharks has led to a huge increase in smaller "mesopredators" that are causing major economic and ecological disruptions. October 5, 2009

Nanotechnology: Artificial Pore Created - Using an RNA-powered nanomotor, University of Cincinnati (UC) biomedical engineering researchers have successfully developed an artificial pore able to transmit nanoscale material through a membrane. October 1, 2009

Hyenas Cooperate Better Than Primates - Spotted hyenas may not be smarter than chimpanzees, but a new study shows that they outperform the primates on cooperative problem-solving tests. September 30, 2009

New Study Resolves The Mysterious Origin Of Merkel Cells - A new study resolves a 130-year-old mystery over the developmental origin of specialized skin cells involved in touch sensation. September 29, 2009

Green Roofs Could Help Put Lid On Global Warming - Green roofs, those increasingly popular urban rooftops covered with plants, could help fight global warming, scientists in Michigan are reporting. September 28, 2009

Mutations Make Evolution Irreversible - A University of Oregon research team has found that evolution can never go backwards, because the paths to the genes once present in our ancestors are forever blocked. September 25, 2009

Ancient And Bizarre Fish Discovered - New species are not just discovered in exotic locales-even places as urban as California still yield discoveries of new plants and animals. September 24, 2009

New Species Discovered On Whale Skeletons - Researchers have discovered previously unknown species that feed only on dead whales - and have used DNA technology to show that the species diversity in our oceans may be higher than previously thought. September 23, 2009

Rosetta Stone Of Supervolcanoes Discovered In Italian Alps - Scientists have found the Rosetta Stone of supervolcanoes, those giant pockmarks in the Earth's surface produced by rare and massive explosive eruptions that rank among nature's most violent events. September 22, 2009

Secrets Of Insect Flight Revealed - Researchers are one step closer to creating a micro-aircraft that flies with the manoeuvrability and energy efficiency of an insect after decoding the aerodynamic secrets of insect flight. September 21, 2009

Melting Of The Greenland Ice Sheet Mapped - Will all of the ice on Greenland melt and flow out into the sea, bringing about a colossal rise in ocean levels on Earth, as the global temperature rises? September 18, 2009

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