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Biology News

'New Continent' And Species Discovered In Atlantic Study - A scientist from the University of Aberdeen is leading a team of international researchers whose work will continue our understanding of life in the deepest oceans, and contribute to the global Census of Marine Life. August 21, 2007

Ice Age Survivors Found In Iceland - Many scientists believe that the ice ages exterminated all life on land and in freshwater in large parts of the Northern Hemisphere, especially on ocean islands such as Iceland. August 17, 2007

Conquest Of Land Began In Shark Genome - Scientists at the University of Florida have identified genetic activity in sharks required for the development of hands, feet, fingers and toes in limbed animals. August 16, 2007

MIT Creates 3-D Images Of Living Cell - A new imaging technique developed at MIT has allowed scientists to create the first 3D images of a living cell, using a method similar to the X-ray CT scans doctors use to see inside the body. August 14, 2007

Reasons For Severe Blindness Illluminated - People suffering from a severe retinal disease will sooner or later lose their eyesight considerably or even become completely blind. August 13, 2007

Why Were Prehistoric Insects Huge? - Alexander Kaiser, Ph.D., of Midwestern University’s Department of Physiology, Division of Basic Sciences, was the lead author in a recent study to help determine why insects, once dramatically larger than they are today, have seen such a remarkable reduction in size over the course of history. August 10, 2007

Fruit Bats Discovered To Have Menstrual Cycles - Scientists have discovered that a type of fruit bat menstruate in a similar way to women. August 9, 2007

Bigger Horns Equal Better Genes - According to a team of international researchers, mature, male alpine ibex demonstrate a correlation between horn growth and genetic diversity. Past research studies have shown that greater genetic diversity correlates with a greater chance of survival. August 7, 2007

Testing The Force Of A Shark's Bite - Scientists are building a three dimensional computer model to test the ‘bite force’ of the Great White shark using data from a shark caught in beach nets off the NSW Central Coast. August 6, 2007

Orangutans Communicate As If They Were Playing Charades - When using gestures to get their points across, orangutans rely on the same basic strategy that humans follow when playing the popular game and intentionally modify or repeat hand (or other) signals based on the success or failure of their first attempt. August 3, 2007

Why Do Flowers Smell, And Why Do Plants Smell, Too? - The luscious aroma of flowers attracts lovers, and the biological role of that smell is similar: to attract pollinators. August 1, 2007

Mystery Of Mammalian Ears Solved - A 30-year scientific debate over how specialized cells in the inner ear amplify sound in mammals appears to have been settled more in favor of bouncing cell bodies rather than vibrating, hair-like cilia. July 31, 2007

Picky Eating Potentially Perilous For Bats - Researchers at Indiana State University say that what you eat really does matter especially if you are a bat that dines largely on insects. July 30, 2007

Feeding Habits Of Flying Reptiles Uncovered - Scientists at the University of Sheffield, collaborating with colleagues at the Universities of Portsmouth and Reading, have taken a step back in time and provided a new insight into the lifestyle of a prehistoric flying reptile. July 27, 2007

High-flying Honkers Have Superhuman Power - They may seem deceptively innocuous mixed in with other waterfowl, but bar-headed geese can do with ease what most elite high altitude athletes can’t. Now a UBC zoologist is learning how. July 26, 2007

Why Humans Walk On Two Legs - A team of anthropologists that studied chimpanzees trained to use treadmills has gathered new evidence suggesting that our earliest apelike ancestors started walking on two legs because it required less energy than getting around on all fours. July 23, 2007

Miraculous Mosquito Legs - Mosquitoes walk on water better than water striders, cling to smooth ceilings and walls as tightly as geckos, and clutch the skin of their victims with annoying tenacity in search of blood. July 19, 2007

Microbes Colonize Newborns' Digestive Tracts - For more than 100 years, scientists have known that humans carry a rich ecosystem within their intestines. An astonishing number and variety of microbes, including as many as 400 species of bacteria, help humans digest food, mitigate disease, regulate fat storage, and even promote the formation of blood vessels. July 17, 2007

Tick-related Disease Thrives On Cholesterol - People who have high cholesterol levels may be much more susceptible to a particular disease transmitted by the bites of ticks, a new study in mice suggests. July 13, 2007

Philandering Female Felines Forgo Fidelity - While promiscuity in the animal kingdom is generally a male thing, researchers for the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) have found that, in cheetah society, it's the female with the wandering eye ... July 11, 2007

West Nile Virus Threatens Backyard Birds - Scientists report in an article appearing in Nature that many species of birds, including backyard favorites such as tufted titmice and chickadees, are suffering serious declines from West Nile virus. July 10, 2007

Famous Galápagos Tortoise May Not Be Alone - "Lonesome George," a giant Galapagos tortoise and conservation icon long thought to be the sole survivor of his species, may not be alone for much longer. July 9, 2007

Scientists Explore Queen Bee Longevity - The queen honey bee is genetically identical to the workers in her hive, but she lives 10 times longer and – unlike her sterile sisters – remains reproductively viable throughout life. July 6, 2007

Faster, Cheaper Mutant Mice - Genes account for only 2.5 percent of DNA in the human genetic blueprint, yet diseases can result not only from mutant genes, but from mutations of other DNA that controls genes. July 5, 2007

New Species Of Biting Aquatic Insects Found In Thailand - While in Thailand, a University of Missouri-Columbia researcher found a treasure-trove of previously unknown information about aquatic insects in the country. July 4, 2007

Birds Plan For Future Desires - For a long time, it had been argued that only humans can draw on past experiences to plan for the future, whereas animals were considered "stuck in time." July 3, 2007

New Technique Weighs Single Living Cells - For the first time, MIT researchers have found a way to measure the mass of single cells with high accuracy. July 2, 2007

For Many Insects, Winter Survival Is In The Genes - Many insects living in northern climates don't die at the first signs of cold weather. Rather, new research suggests that they use a number of specialized proteins to survive the chilly months. June 29, 2007

Bird Song Study Gives Clues To Human Stuttering - Researchers used functional MRI to determine that songbirds have a pronounced right-brain response to the sound of songs, establishing a foundational study for future research on songbird models of speech disorders such as stuttering. June 28, 2007

Whale Has Super-sized Big Gulp - How does the largest animal on earth survive on a diet of the smallest of prey? By having a jaw that spans a quarter of its body length, an enormous mouth that goes from the head to the belly button, and by doing lots of “lunges”. June 27, 2007

Ancient DNA Traces Woolly Mammoth's Disappearance - Some ancient-DNA evidence has offered new clues to a very cold case: the disappearance of the last woolly mammoths, one of the most iconic of all Ice Age giants, according to a recent article. June 26, 2007

Modified Mushrooms May Yield Human Drugs - Mushrooms might serve as biofactories for the production of various beneficial human drugs, according to plant pathologists who have inserted new genes into mushrooms. June 25, 2007

The Bee That Would Be Queen - A team of researchers has discovered evidence that honeybees have adopted a phylogenetically old molecular cascade - TOR (target of rapamycin), linked to nutrient and energy sensing - and put it to use in caste development. June 22, 2007

Turtles Are Loyal In Feeding As Well As In Breeding - A research team led by the University of Exeter has discovered that, after laying their eggs, sea turtles travel hundreds of miles to feed at exactly the same sites. June 21, 2007

Healthy Coral Reefs Hit Hardest By Warmer Temperatures - Coral disease outbreaks hit hardest in the healthiest sections of the Great Barrier Reef, where close living quarters among coral may make it easy for infection to spread. June 20, 2007

Can A Taste For Poison Drive Speciation? - The endless struggle for survival in nature inevitably boils down to finding food and eluding predators. To avoid the latter, many plants produce chemical weapons to discourage predators. June 19, 2007

First Gene Linked To Scoliosis Identified - Physicians have recognized scoliosis, the abnormal curvature of the spine, since the time of Hippocrates, but its causes have remained a mystery - until now. June 18, 2007

Predator Starfish Threaten Coral Reefs In The Philippines - An infestation of predator starfish is decimating large tracts of coral reef throughout the Philippines. June 15, 2007

Marine Scientists Monitor Longest Mammal Migration - Marine scientists recently published a research paper in the science journal, biology letters, that found humpback whales migrate over 5,100 miles from Central America to their feeding grounds off Antarctica. June 14, 2007

Making No Bones About It: Digestion In Burmese Pythons - Burmese pythons don't eat very often, but when they do they like to pig out, ingesting the whole of their prey. June 13, 2007

Crows Can Recognize The Calls Of Relatives - Most of us would know our mother's voice on the phone from the first syllable uttered. A recent Cornell study suggests that crows also can recognize the voices of their relatives. June 12, 2007

Minuscule Molecules Pack A Powerful Punch - A role for a microRNA in the immune system has been shown by study of one of the world's first microRNA knockout mouse, reported in Science. June 11, 2007

DNA Reveals Hooded Seals Have Wanderlust - Researchers have discovered a new fact about hooded seals, a mysterious 200 to 400 kilogram mammal that spends all but a few days each year in the ocean. June 8, 2007

Bat Flight Generates Complex Aerodynamic Tracks - Bats generate a measurably distinct aerodynamic footprint to achieve lift and maneuverability, quite unlike birds and contrary to many of the assumptions that aerodynamicists have used to model animal flight. June 7, 2007

Researchers Reveal Dwarf Aquatic Plants' Hidden Ancestry - A team of UBC researchers has re-classified an ancient line of aquatic plants previously thought to be related to grasses and rushes. June 6, 2007

Why Are There No Unicorns? - Why are there no unicorns? Perhaps horses develop in a way that cannot be easily modified to produce a unicorn, so such creatures have never arisen. June 5, 2007

Gamma Ray Blast May Help Huntington's Disease Therapy - A powerful gamma ray source built to help the U.S. Army calibrate radiation safety equipment might also help scientists decipher a debilitating disease. June 1, 2007

Science Seeks Cures In Exotic Australia - The country that produced such oddities as the planet’s only egg-laying, duck billed, mammal could also hold the secret to curing cancer, researchers believe. May 31, 2007

Researchers Reveal Dwarf Aquatic Plants' Hidden Ancestry - Team of UBC researchers has re-classified an ancient line of aquatic plants previously thought to be related to grasses and rushes. May 30, 2007

Cannibalism Of The Young Allows Individual Fish To Specialize - If you go fishing for Arctic char you may end up catching distinctly different-looking individuals although they were all caught in the same lake. May 29, 2007

Termites Get The Vibe On What Tastes Good - Researchers from CSIRO and UNSW@ADFA have shown that termites can tell what sort of material their food is made of, without having to actually touch it. The findings may lead to improvements in the control of feeding termites. May 28, 2007

Biologist Hopes Mosquito Can Break Viral Chain - Most people do their best to avoid mosquitoes. But this summer Rollie Clem will play the wary host to his own homegrown swarm of Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito. May 25, 2007

Lab-on-a-chip Device To Speed Proteomics Research - In recent years, the science of biology has been dominated by genomics – the study of genes and their functions. The genomics era is now making way for the era of proteomics – the study of the proteins that genes encode. May 24, 2007

Biologists Develop Large Gene Dataset For Rice Plant - Scientists have reported development of a large dataset of gene sequences in rice. The information will lead to an increased understanding of how genes work in rice, an essential food for much of the world's population. May 23, 2007

Botanists Identify New Species Of North American Bamboo - Two Iowa State University botanists and their colleague at the University of North Carolina have discovered a new species of North American bamboo in the hills of Appalachia. May 22, 2007

New Species Of Sea Anemone Found In Deepest Pacific - Researchers cruising for creatures that live in the deepest parts of the Pacific Ocean found a new species of sea anemone living in the unlikeliest of habitats – the carcass of a dead whale. May 21, 2007

Marine Reserves Could Save Coral Reefs - Threatened coral reefs could be given a helping hand by establishing marine reserves, according to a research team led by the University of Exeter. Marine reserves have already proved to be a successful way of protecting marine life against commercial fishing. May 18, 2007

New Marine Species Discovered In Eastern Pacific - Smithsonian scientists have discovered a biodiversity bounty in the Eastern Pacific - approximately 50 percent of the organisms found in some groups are new to science. May 17, 2007

Fruit Flies Shed Light On The Evolution Of Behavior - Sometimes, it pays to be rare think of a one-of-a-kind diamond, a unique Picasso or the switch-hitter on a baseball team. Now, new research suggests that being rare has biological benefits. May 16, 2007

Whole Body Regeneration From A Blood Vessel - For a lucky subset of vertebrates, losing an appendage is no big deal. As many an inquisitive child knows, salamanders can regenerate lost limbs or tails; and as lab investigators know, zebrafish can regrow lost fins. May 15, 2007

Old-Time Mosquito Remedy May Work Against Ticks - A granddad's wisdom, already helpful in the fight against mosquitoes, may also prove useful in battling disease-spreading ticks. May 14, 2007

Why Do Birds Migrate? - Why do some birds fly thousands of miles back and forth between breeding and non-breeding areas every year whereas others never travel at all? May 11, 2007

Amphibians In Losing Race With Environmental Change - Even though they had the ability to evolve and survive for hundreds of millions of years - since before the time of the dinosaurs and through many climatic regimes - the massive, worldwide decline of amphibians can best be understood by their inability ... May 10, 2007

New Genus Of Frogmouth Bird Discovered In Solomon Islands - Your bird field guide may be out of date now that University of Florida scientists discovered a new genus of frogmouth bird on a South Pacific island. May 9, 2007

Lizards 'Shout' Against A Noisy Background - Lizards that signal to rivals with a visual display "shout" to get their point across, UC Davis researchers have found. May 8, 2007

Genetic Studies Endow Mice With New Color Vision - Although mice, like most mammals, typically view the world with a limited color palette-similar to what some people with red-green color blindness see scientists have now transformed their vision by introducing a single human gene into a mouse chromosome. May 4, 2007

No Single Gene For Eye Color - A study by researchers from The University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) and the Queensland Institute of Medical Research is the first to prove conclusively that there is no single gene for eye colour. May 3, 2007

Sea Snails Break The Law - Lizards gave rise to legless snakes. Cave fishes don't have eyeballs. In evolution, complicated structures often get lost. Dollo's Law states that complicated structures can't be re-evolved because the genes that code for them were lost or have mutated. May 2, 2007

Inkjet Technology For Organ Printing - Research from Clemson University shows that producing cardiac tissue with off-the-shelf inkjet technology can be improved significantly with precise cell placement. May 1, 2007

Risk Of Extinction Accelerated Due To Interacting Human Threats - The simultaneous effect of habitat fragmentation, overexploitation, and climate warming could accelerate the decline of populations and substantially increase their risk of extinction, a study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B has warned. April 30, 2007

Scientists Image Plant 'Attack' Signaling System - Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory have adapted radiotracer tools and imaging techniques pioneered at Brookhaven for medical science, exploiting the technology to discover new aspects of the way plants respond to stresses ... April 27, 2007

Genes Involved In Coffee Quality Identified - Sucrose plays a vital role in coffee organoleptic quality. A team from CIRAD and the Agricultural Institute of Paraná in Brazil has recently identified the genes responsible for sucrose accumulation in coffee beans. April 26, 2007

Salamanders Suffer Delayed Effects Of Common Herbicide - Pollution from a common herbicide might be causing die-offs in stream salamanders, according to biologists who say findings from their long-term study raise concerns over the role of atrazine in global amphibian declines. April 25, 2007

Scientists Unlock Secret Of What Makes Plants Flower - A protein acting as a long-distance signal from leaf to shoot-tip tells plants when to flower, says new research published in Science Express. April 24, 2007

Researchers Develop Technique For Bacteria Crowd Control - A surprising technique to concentrate, manipulate and separate a wide class of swimming bacteria has been identified through a collaboration between researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois Institute of technology, University of Arizona at Tucson and Cambridge University, U.K. April 23, 2007

Female Antarctic Seals Give Cold Shoulder To Local Males - Female Antarctic fur seals will travel across a colony to actively seek males which are genetically diverse and unrelated, rather than mate with local dominant males. April 20, 2007

Research Lifts Blindfold On Shark Vision - Sandbar sharks might have prized flesh and fins which are culinary delicacies but scientists are more interested in their eyes. April 19, 2007

Algae Toxin Identification Unravels Fish-kill Mystery - A team of researchers from the Hollings Marine Laboratory in Charleston, S.C., has uncovered a subtle chemical pathway by which a normally inoffensive algae, Pfiesteria piscicida, can suddenly start producing a lethal toxin. April 18, 2007

Bacterial Walls Come Tumbling Down - The first detailed images of an elusive drug target on the outer wall of bacteria may provide scientists with enough new information to aid design of novel antibiotics. April 17, 2007

Making Wheat Flour More Nutritious - Your favorite bread, breakfast cereal or pasta might tomorrow be made with wheat flour that's more nutritious than ever. April 16, 2007

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