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Biology News

Researchers Discover New Species Of Fish In Antarctic - What's 34 centimeters (13.39 inches) long, likes the cold and has an interorbital pit with two openings? The answer is Cryothenia amphitreta, a newly discovered Antarctic fish discovered by a member of a research team from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. January 1, 2007

Dramatic Snake Colour-change Mystery Solved - The mystery surrounding a snake that undergoes a spectacular colour change has been solved by ANU ecologists who have found that the skin of the green python transforms to blend into a new habitat as the snake gets older. December 31, 2006

Flight Behaviour Of Marine Iguanas - Marine iguanas on the Galápagos Islands live without predators - at least this was the case up until 150 years ago. Since then they have been confronted with cats and dogs on some islands of the Archipelago. December 30, 2006

Durable Critters Providing Insight For Human Egg Preservation - A tiny, six-legged critter that suspends all biological activity when the going gets tough may hold answers to a better way to cryopreserve human eggs, researchers say. December 29, 2006

Japanese Scientists Herald Live Giant Squid Footage - Japanese scientists have released what they say could be the first live video footage of the elusive giant squid, exposing some of the creature's underwater secrets. December 28, 2006

Learning About Sex From An Elegant Worm - Most cells in the body contain two copies of every chromosome, one from each parent. Sex involves gently scrambling the genetic material of the chromosomes to produce variations within each species, creating individuals variously equipped to meet life's challenges. December 27, 2006

Study Finds The Air Rich With Bacteria - Want biodiversity? Look no further than the air around you. It could be teeming with more than 1,800 types of bacteria, according to a first-of-its-kind census of airborne microbes recently conducted by scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. December 23, 2006

Evolution Of Typhoid Bacteria - In a study published in the latest issue of Science (24 November, 2006), an international consortium from the Max-Planck Society, Wellcome Trust Institutes in Britain and Vietnam, and the Institut Pasteur in France have elucidated the evolutionary history of Salmonella Typhi. December 22, 2006

The Baiji Yangtze Dolphin Is Functionally Extinct - The Baiji Yangtze Dolphin is with all probability extinct. On Wednesday , in the city of Wuhan in central China, a search expedition, under the direction of the Institute for Hydrobiology Wuhan and the Swiss-based Foundation, drew to a finish without any results. December 21, 2006

Scientists Reveal Molecular Details Of Regeneration In Amphibians - When a newt loses a limb, the limb regrows. What is more, a newt can also completely repair damage to its heart. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim have now started to decode the cellular mechanisms in this impressive ability ... December 20, 2006

Nanoscale Microscope Sheds First Light On Gene Repair - Proteins called H2AX act as "first aid" to DNA, among other roles. For the first time, scientists using the world's most powerful light microscope have seen how H2AX is distributed in the cell nucleus: in clusters, directing the first aid/repair after DNA injuries to the region where it is really needed. December 19, 2006

NASA Ice Images Aid Study Of Pacific Walrus Arctic Habitats - The Arctic ice pack is home to thousands of Pacific walrus. Their preferred habitat is an ice floe that has enough density and surface area to support a herd of 12-foot-long, 3,000 pound mammals. December 18, 2006

Two Studies On Bee Evolution Reveal Surprise - The discovery of a 100-million-year old bee embedded in amber - perhaps the oldest bee ever found - pushes the bee fossil record back about 35 million years, according to Bryan Danforth, Cornell associate professor of entomology. December 17, 2006

Ongoing Collapse Of Coral Reef Shark Populations - Investigators have revealed that coral reef shark populations are in the midst of rapid decline, and that "no-take zones" - reefs where fishing is prohibited - do protect sharks, but only when compliance with no-take regulations is high. December 16, 2006

Small, Smaller, Smallest: The Plight Of The Vaquita - Research published in the academic journal Mammal Review has uncovered the missing link in the depleting population of the vaquita. With a body less than 1.5 m long, the vaquita is the smallest living cetacean. December 15, 2006

Coral Reefs Are Increasingly Vulnerable To Angry Oceans - Size and shape may predict the survival of corals around the world when the weather churns the oceans in the years to come, according to a new model that relies on engineering principles. December 14, 2006

Invasive Ants Territorial When Neighbors Are Not Kin - A study led by UC San Diego biologists shows that invasive Argentine ants appear to use genetic differences to distinguish friend from foe, a finding that helps to explain why these ants form enormous colonies in California. December 13, 2006

Scientists Regenerate Wing In Chick Embryo - Chop off a salamander's leg and a brand new one will sprout in no time. But most animals have lost the ability to replace missing limbs. Now, a research team at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies has been able to regenerate a wing in a chick embryo ... December 12, 2006

Nanotech Tools Yield DNA Transcription Breakthrough - Rutgers researcher Richard H. Ebright and his collaborators have resolved key questions regarding transcription, the fundamental life process that was the subject of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. December 11, 2006

Neanderthal Genome Unlocks Secrets Of Human Evolution - The veil of mystery surrounding our extinct hominid cousins, the Neanderthals, has been at least partially lifted to reveal surprising results. December 10, 2006

Pressured By Predators, Lizards See Rapid Shift In Natural Selection - Countering the widespread view of evolution as a process played out over the course of eons, evolutionary biologists have shown that natural selection can turn on a dime - within months - as a population's needs change. December 9, 2006

Why Do Insects Like To Eat Some Plants More Than Others? - In a study appearing in the forthcoming issue of The American Naturalist, Tom E. X. Miller, Andrew J. Tyre, and Svata M. Louda (all of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln) examined herbivore dynamics, specifically why plants aren't all eaten at the same rate. December 8, 2006

Cities Change The Songs Of Birds - By studying the songs of a bird species that has succeeded in adapting to urban life, researchers have gained insight into the kinds of environmental pressures that influence where particular songbirds thrive ... December 7, 2006

With Fruit Fly Sex, Researchers Find Mind-body Connection - Male fruit flies are smaller and darker than female flies. The hair-like bristles on their forelegs are shorter, thicker. Their sexual equipment, of course, is different, too. December 6, 2006

How To Catch A Mosquito - Male mosquitoes increase their chances of mating with a passing female by enhancing their ability to hear her flying past. Much like the human ear, the mosquito ear is able to amplify the sounds it hears, making the female appear closer. December 5, 2006

Opposites Do Not Attract - A study conducted at the University of California, Irvine, found that a female budgerigar prefers to mate with a male that sounds like her. December 4, 2006

Wielding The Subtle Weapons Of A Fungus - It doesn’t look appetizing: when Ustilago maydis attacks a maize plant, its cobs bear hideous tumours rather than crunchy niblets. So far, no effective means of combating the maize smut pathogen has been found. December 3, 2006

Stormy Days Ahead For Coral Reefs - The increasing violence of storms under global climate change will have major effects on coral reefs – and has important implications for their future management. December 2, 2006

Researchers Discover Hummingbird Secret - University of Alberta researchers have pinpointed a section in the tiny hummingbird's brain that may be responsible for its unique ability to stay stationary mid-air and hover. December 1, 2006

Patterns On Tropical Marine Mollusk Shell Mirror Gene Expression Patterns - Scientists have identified a group of genes that control the formation of shapes and colour patterns on the shell of the tropical marine mollusc referred to as 'abalone'. November 30, 2006

Helping Muscle Regenerate - Muscle wasting can occur at all ages as the result of genetic defects, heart failure, spinal injury or cancer. November 29, 2006

Flight of the Bumblebee: Flower Choice Matters - Rebecca Flanagan has probably come as close as a human can to reading the mind of a bumblebee. November 28, 2006

Insect Wings Used To Pattern Nanoscale Structures - What does a colorful and noisy backyard insect have to do with nanotechnology? Plenty, according to Jin Zhang and Zhongfan Liu, both professors at Peking University. November 27, 2006

Stem Cells Engage In Dialogue With The Cells That Regulate Their Futures - Dialogue, not a monologue, is the basis of all good communication. Stem cells are no exception. Recent University of Washington (UW) research has found an early indication of two-way cellular communication ... November 26, 2006

Some Animals Won't Adapt To Climate Change, Study Suggests - In a fascinating study appearing in the November issue of The American Naturalist, biologists investigated the response of small animals to climate change on a remote sub-Antarctic Island. November 25, 2006

Keeping E. Coli Out Of Meat - A University of Illinois food scientist has discovered that certain solutions used by meat processors to extend shelf life actually do double duty as antimicrobial agents, killing such virulent foodborne pathogens as E. coli 0157:H7. November 24, 2006

Does Natural Selection Drive The Evolution Of Cancer? - The dynamics of evolution are fully in play within the environment of a tumor, just as they are in forests and meadows, oceans and streams. This is the view of researchers in an emerging cross-disciplinary field that brings the thinking of ... November 23, 2006

Scientists Crack Rhino Horn Riddle - Rhinoceros horns have long been objects of mythological beliefs. Some cultures prize them for their supposed magical or medicinal qualities. Others have used them as dagger handles or good luck charms. November 22, 2006

Edible Food Wrap Kills Deadly E. Coli Bacteria - Researchers have improved upon an edible coating for fresh fruits and vegetables by enabling it to kill deadly E. coli bacteria while also providing a flavor-boost to food. November 21, 2006

Unraveling Where Chimp And Human Brains Diverge - Six million years ago, chimpanzees and humans diverged from a common ancestor and evolved into unique species. November 20, 2006

Different Coat Color May Not Mean Different Species For Lemurs - Researchers have found that lemurs suspected to belong to different species because of their strikingly different coat colors, are not only genetically alike, but belong to the same species. November 19, 2006

Decoded Sea Urchin Genome Shows Surprising Relationship To Humans - The Sea Urchin Genome Sequencing Project Consortium, led by the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, announced the decoding and analysis of the genome sequence of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. November 18, 2006

What's The Difference Between Mice And Men - It's often said that a man shares 30% of his genes with a banana, rather more with a fruit fly, and yet more with a mouse; so why are these organisms so different if many of their genes are so similar? November 17, 2006

Floating Lovers Count Too In The Health Of Eagle Populations - In a paper from the November issue of The American Naturalist, Vincenzo Penteriani, Fermín Otalora, and Miguel Ferrer, researchers at the Estación Biológica de Doñana, focus on the forgotten and invisible side of animal populations - the floaters. November 16, 2006

Microbes Compete With Animals For Food By Making It Stink - Microbes may compete with large animal scavengers by producing repugnant chemicals that deter higher species from consuming valuable food resources - such as decaying meat, seeds and fruit, a new study suggests. November 15, 2006

Mirror Test Implies Elephants Self-Aware - If you're Happy and you know it, pat your head. That, in a peanut shell, is how a 34-year-old female Asian elephant in the Bronx Zoo showed researchers that pachyderms can recognize themselves in a mirror - complex behavior observed in only a few other species. November 14, 2006

Social Amoebas' Family Tree Reveals Evolutionary Clues - The full family tree of the species known as social amoebas has been plotted for the first time - a breakthrough which will provide important clues to the evolution of life on earth. November 13, 2006

Tweedle Coat Fashions Stocky Flies - University of California, San Diego biologists have discovered that disruptions in genes they call Tweedles make fruit flies short and stout like Tweedledee and Tweedledum in Alice in Wonderland. November 12, 2006

Tarantula Venom And Chili Peppers Target Same Pain Sensor - Venom from a West Indian tarantula has been shown to cause pain by exciting the same nerve cells in mice that sense high temperatures and the hot, spicy ingredient in chili peppers, UCSF scientists have discovered. November 11, 2006

Plant Studies Reveal How, Where Seeds Store Iron - Biologists have learned where and how some plant seeds store iron, a valuable discovery for scientists working to improve the iron content of plants. November 10, 2006

Saving Threatened Turtles In The Caribbean - Ecology and conservation experts from the University of Exeter are urging international governments to work together to protect threatened Caribbean sea turtle populations. November 9, 2006

Researcher Studying Declining Numbers Of Macaws - One of the most colorful birds in the world may have a less-than-colorful future. November 8, 2006

Snow Data Helps Maintain Nation's Largest, Oldest Bison Herd - Grainy photographs of America's Old West recall a time when large bison herds migrated across wide prairie lands, 30 million strong, with the changing seasons determining their path and destination. November 7, 2006

Losing Species: Is This The Last Century For Wild Seafood? - Its findings are startling. A global study lead by Dalhousie's Boris Worm shows current trends projecting the collapse of all currently fished seafoods before 2050. November 6, 2006

Bacterial Switch Gene Regulates Oceans Sulfur Emissions Into The Air - The number of plankton in the seas is almost beyond comprehension. A single teaspoonful of ocean water holds several million of these microscopic drifters, and in recent years, scientists have discovered ... November 5, 2006

Evolutionary Oddity: Erectile Tissue Helps Flamingos Eat - With their spindly legs, long necks and bright plumage, flamingos are a curiosity of nature. Now a new discovery by a team of Ohio University researchers reveals an anatomical oddity that helps flamingos eat: erectile tissue. November 4, 2006

Bat Boffin Debunks 'Blind' Myth - There really is nothing as 'blind as a bat' ... because bats are not blind. November 3, 2006

More Than 100 New Species Discovered In Hawaiian Islands - A three-week scientific expedition to French Frigate Shoals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument returned to Honolulu on Sunday with the discovery of many new species and a better understanding of marine biodiversity ... November 2, 2006

Scientists Uncover History Of Honey Bee - "Every honey bee alive today had a common ancestor in Africa" is one conclusion drawn by a team of scientists that probed the origin of the species and the movements of introduced populations, including African "killer" bees in the New World. November 1, 2006

New Genetic Analysis Forces Re-draw Of Insect Family Tree - The family tree covering almost half the animal species on the planet has been re-drawn following a genetic analysis which has revealed new relationships between four major groups of insects. October 31, 2006

Scientists Identify 36 Genes, 100 Neuropeptides In Honey Bee Brains - From humans to honey bees, neuropeptides control brain activity and, hence, our behaviors. October 30, 2006

Secrets Revealed In Sequencing Of Honey Bee Genome - What do fruit flies, mosquitoes, silk moths and honey bees have in common? First, they are all insects. Second, they have all had their genomes sequenced ... October 29, 2006

Pollinators Help One-third Of The World's Food Crop Production - Pollinators such as bees, birds and bats affect 35 percent of the world's crop production, increasing the output of 87 of the leading food crops worldwide, finds a new study published ... October 28, 2006

Research Discovers Oldest Bee, Evolutionary Link - Researchers at Oregon State University have discovered the oldest bee ever known, a 100 million year old specimen preserved in almost lifelike form in amber, and an important link to help explain the ... October 27, 2006

Cougar Predation Key To Ecosystem Health - The general disappearance of cougars from a portion of Zion National Park in the past 70 years has allowed deer populations to dramatically increase, leading to severe ecological damage ... October 26, 2006

Honey Bee Genome Holds Clues To Social Behavior - By studying the humble honey bee, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have come a step closer to understanding the molecular basis of social behavior in humans. October 25, 2006

Study Suggests Evolutionary Link Between Diet, Brain Size In Orangutans - In a study of orangutans living on the Indonesian islands of Borneo and Sumatra, scientists have found what they say is the first demonstration in primates of an evolutionary connection between available food supplies and brain size. October 24, 2006

Ecosystem Of Vanishing Lake Yields Valuable Bacterium - In the salt flats near a slowly vanishing lake, a team of researchers have found never-before-seen bacterium that could clean up some of humanity's pollution. October 23, 2006

The Evolution Of Our Fungi Relatives - In the latest installment of a major international effort to probe the origins of species, a team of scientists has reconstructed the early evolution of fungi, the biological kingdom now believed to be animals' closest relatives. October 22, 2006

Genetic Repair Mechanism Clears The Way For Sealing DNA Breaks - Scientists investigating an important DNA-repair enzyme now have a better picture of the final steps of a process that glues together, or ligates, the ends of DNA strands to restore the double helix. October 21, 2006

Special Chip Provides Better Picture Of Salmon Health - How do you tell if a fish is fit and well? This is a question which has troubled farmers and biologists for years, but now scientists may have come up with the answer - using DNA chips. October 20, 2006

How Ants Find Their Way - Ever wondered how ants find their way straight to the uncovered food in your kitchen? Now scientists have discovered how the humble wood ant navigates over proportionally huge distances ... October 19, 2006

Fruit Fly 'Hibernation' Linked To Single Important Gene - University of Toronto at Mississauga scientists have isolated a gene responsible for whether or not fruit flies ‘overwinter’ – that is, whether they will stop reproducing and go into a rest state as days get shorter – uncovering new data that could impact research in ... October 18, 2006

Possible Evidence Of Cell Division, Differentiation Found In Oldest Known Embryo Fossils - A group of 15 scientists from five countries has discovered evidence of cell differentiation in fossil embryos that are more than 550 million years old. October 17, 2006

Giant Pandas See In Color - They may be black and white, but new research at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Zoo Atlanta shows that giant pandas can see in color. October 16, 2006

Researchers Find Smallest Cellular Genome - The smallest collection of genes ever found for a cellular organism comes from tiny symbiotic bacteria that live inside special cells inside a small insect. October 15, 2006

New Mammal Species Discovered In Europe - An archaeozoologist has stumbled across a new species of mammal in Europe, an area where scientists had believed all mammal species had already been identified many years ago in the last century. October 14, 2006

Researcher Uncovering Mysteries Of Memory By Studying Clever Bird - Keeping track of one set of keys is difficult enough, but imagine having to remember the locations of thousands of sets of keys. October 13, 2006

Seals Shiver In The Cold Air But Not During An Icy Dive - Seals shiver when exposed to cold air but not when diving in chilly water, a finding that researchers believe allows the diving seal to conserve oxygen and minimize brain damage that could result from long dives. October 12, 2006

Nanotechnology To Stop Weaponized Anthrax In Its Tracks - Picture a spider web coated with sugar. But instead of luring in unsuspecting creatures, this spider web pulls in deadly anthrax spores, rendering them harmless. October 11, 2006

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