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Health and Medical News

Thyroid Cancer Discovery Points To New Treatments, Prevention - The actions of a mutated protein in cells linked to thyroid cancer have been uncovered by researchers at Queen’s University. January 1, 2007

Smashing The Time It Takes To Repair Our Bones - New research by Queensland University of Technology is helping scientists better understand how bone cells work and may one day lead to the development of technology that can speed up the time it takes to heal fractured and broken bones. December 31, 2006

Risk Factors For Hypertension Start Young - By age 10, some black children already have high nighttime blood pressure, an early signal of impending cardiovascular disease, a new study shows. December 30, 2006

Researchers Identify Gene That Enhances Muscle Performance - A team of researchers, led by scientists at Dartmouth Medical School and Dartmouth College, have identified and tested a gene that dramatically alters both muscle metabolism and performance. December 29, 2006

A Molecular Condom Against AIDS - University of Utah scientists designed a "molecular condom" women could use daily to prevent AIDS by vaginally inserting a liquid that would turn into a gel-like coating and then, when exposed to semen, return to liquid form and release an antiviral drug. December 28, 2006

Snake-like Robot And Steady-hand System Could Assist Surgeons - Drawing on advances in robotics and computer technology, Johns Hopkins University researchers are designing new high-tech medical tools to equip the operating room of the future. December 27, 2006

Study Explores Link between Nanoparticles And Kidney Stones - Researchers at Mayo Clinic have successfully isolated nanoparticles from human kidney stones in cell cultures and have isolated proteins, RNA and DNA that appear to be associated with nanoparticles. December 23, 2006

Pregnant Smokers May 'Program' Their Kids To Become Smokers - Pregnant smokers may "program" their children to become smokers, suggests research published in Tobacco Control. December 22, 2006

Study Finds Gender Differences Related To Eating And Body Image - Researchers have discovered a subtle new difference between men and women - this one occurring in the realm of eating. December 21, 2006

Holiday Gluttony Can Spell Disaster For Undiagnosed Diabetics - Hearty feasts and couch-potato marathons are holiday traditions, but UT Southwestern Medical Center experts warn that packing on pounds and not exercising could be deadly for the 6 million Americans who have diabetes and don't even know it. December 20, 2006

Researchers Use Nanofiber Bandages To Speed Healing - Nanotechnology reduces healing times from months or even years to as few as 12 days. December 19, 2006

International Trial Of Novel Breast Cancer Drug - A clinical trial of a new targeted breast cancer drug, led by physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Cancer Center, has begun enrolling patients. December 18, 2006

Infants Wheeze Less In Homes With Multiple Dogs - Living in a home with multiple dogs may help reduce an infant’s risk for developing wheezing in the first year of life, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati (UC). December 17, 2006

Defensive White Cells Play Major Role In Asthma - Cincinnati scientists have found further evidence that certain defensive white cells in the body cause or play a major role in the symptoms experienced by asthma patients. December 16, 2006

Marathon Runners May Be At Increased Risk For Skin Cancer - In an Austrian study, marathon runners had more atypical moles and other skin lesions suggestive of a risk for skin cancer than did a comparison group of age- and sex-matched controls. December 15, 2006

'Broken Heart Syndrome' Recurs In 1 Of 10 Patients, Research Reveals - In the largest review of "broken heart syndrome" patients ever conducted, Mayo Clinic researchers studied 100 patients and found symptoms recurred in 1 out of 10 patients over a four-year period ... December 14, 2006

New Finding Points Way To Foiling Anthrax's Tricks - University of California, Berkeley, chemists have discovered a trick that anthrax bacteria use to make an end run around the body's defenses, but which may turn out to be their Achilles' heel. December 13, 2006

Does Natural Selection Drive The Evolution Of Cancer? - The dynamics of evolution are fully in play within the environment of a tumor, just as they are in forests and meadows, oceans and streams. December 12, 2006

Shaped-beam Radiosurgery Finds Success Treating Tiniest Lung Tumors - Patients with metastatic cancer tumors in their lungs are much more likely to live disease-free if they have an experimental treatment involving shaped-beam radiosurgery rather that conventional treatment. December 11, 2006

Researchers Analyze Effects Of Stress On Decision-making Ability - A nursing student assigned to check a heart patient's vital statistics enters the patient's room. Suddenly, the patient stops breathing and exhibits an erratic heartbeat. December 10, 2006

Mutant Gene Causes Severe Kidney Disease In Infants - Scientists at the University of Michigan Medical School have discovered a previously unknown cause for a severe, early-onset form of kidney disease and renal failure in children: recessive mutations in a gene called phospholipase C epsilon or PLCE1. December 9, 2006

Fighting HIV With HIV: New Gene Therapy Vector Shows Promise - Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine report the first clinical test of a new gene therapy based on a disabled AIDS virus carrying genetic material that inhibits HIV replication. December 8, 2006

Research Finds Shorter-course Radiation Treatment Safe For Breast Cancer - External-beam radiation therapy for early-stage breast cancer can be delivered safely and in a shorter course that eliminates as much as two weeks from conventional treatment ... December 7, 2006

Pregnant Women With Placental Infection Have Doubled Risk Of Recurrence - Pregnant women who develop an infection of the placenta or nearby membranes in their first pregnancy have twice the risk of getting it in their second pregnancy, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found. December 6, 2006

Implantable Birth Control New Option For Women - A single-rod implantable contraceptive that has been available in other countries since 1998 is now being used in the United States, including in the Cincinnati area. December 5, 2006

Breakthrough In Eye Cancer Treatment - Scientists at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have demonstrated in a mouse model a new, locally applied treatment for the eye cancer retinoblastoma that not only greatly reduces the size of the tumor... December 4, 2006

Scientists Find Mutations That Let Bird Flu Adapt To Humans - By comparing influenza viruses found in birds with those of the avian virus that have also infected human hosts, researchers have identified key genetic changes required for pandemic strains of bird flu. December 3, 2006

Dual-Acting Topical Gel May Stop Acne Breakouts - University of Cincinnati (UC) dermatologists are testing a new topical gel designed to reduce abnormal clogging of the pores while simultaneously fighting off certain bacterial infections linked to severe acne development. December 2, 2006

Deficiency In Exposure To Sunlight Linked To Ovarian Cancer - Using newly available data on worldwide cancer incidence, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center at UCSD have shown a clear association between deficiency in exposure to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B (UVB), and ovarian cancer. December 1, 2006

Sleep Problems In Overweight Children Appear Fairly Common - One-fourth of overweight children may have sleep problems that regular physical activity can largely resolve, researchers say. November 30, 2006

Combination Of Personality Traits Increases Risk For Heart Disease - Frequent bouts of depression, anxiety, hostility and anger are known to increase a person's risk for developing coronary heart disease, but a combination of these "negative" personality traits may put people at especially serious risk. November 29, 2006

Studies Look At How Genes Affect Antipsychotic Drug Response - Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy are attempting to discover how genes determine how well an antipsychotic medication works in adults and children and the side effects it will cause. November 28, 2006

'Muscle' Protein Drives Prostate Cancer - Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have for the first time implicated the muscle protein myosin VI in the development of prostate cancer and its spread. November 27, 2006

Survivors Of Childhood Leukemia, Brain Tumors More At Risk For Strokes Later In Life - Children who are successfully treated for brain tumors or leukemia are more likely to have strokes later in life, according to new research from UT Southwestern Medical Center. November 26, 2006

Time-Lapse Movies Reveal Surprisingly Dynamic Process Of Insulating Nerves - Much like the electrical wiring in your house, the nerves in your body need to be completely covered by a layer of insulation to work properly. November 25, 2006

Teeth: A Future Renewable Natural Resource? - Most vertebrates have continuous tooth generation, meaning that lost teeth are replaced with new teeth. Mammals, however, including humans, have teeth that are generally only replaced once, when milk teeth are replaced with permanent teeth. November 24, 2006

MRI Detects Early Heart Damage In Patients With Sarcoidosis - To detect heart damage early in patients with the immune system disorder sarcoidosis, who are at elevated risk of dieing from heart problems, magnetic resonance imaging is twice as sensitive as conventional methods. November 23, 2006

Breast Cancer Drug Receives FDA Approval - A new use for the breast cancer drug Herceptin has been approved by the FDA, a move that means more treatment options for the 25 percent of breast cancer patients with early-stage HER-2 positive breast cancer. November 22, 2006

Micro Molecules Contribute Mightily To Heart Problem - Tiny bits of RNA - a chemical cousin of DNA - play a large role in causing enlargement of the heart, which is a major risk factor for heart failure and sudden death, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered. November 21, 2006

Holiday Season Could Ring In 'Heartburn Season' - Making merry is often synonymous with overindulging - whether from holiday feasts or rich desserts or alcoholic beverages - ringing in the holiday season as heartburn season. November 20, 2006

Depression, Not Antidepressants, Increases Mortality Risks In Heart Failure - People who are depressed have an increased risk of dying from heart failure, and a new study by Duke University Medical Center researchers may help explain why. November 19, 2006

Fatigue In Women Is Reduced In Stress-related Cortisol Study - A study of healthy women has harvested results involving fatigue and vigor that eventually may help researchers fine tune efforts to treat a multitude of illnesses and syndromes linked to low levels of the stress hormone cortisol. November 18, 2006

Experts Look At Effects Of Smoking Cessation Drug, 'Varenicline' - Smoking is the world's leading cause of premature death. Smokers who quit are able to significantly reduce their risk of premature death and other health issues ... November 17, 2006

Researchers Discover Way To See How A Drug Attaches To A Cell - Sandia National Laboratories researchers John Shelnutt and Yujiang Song have discovered a better way to see where a drug attaches to a cell through a new process that produces novel hollow platinum nanostructures. November 16, 2006

Manmade Protein Shows Promise For Cancer, Macular Degeneration - Potentially blinding blood vessel growth in the cornea resulting from eye injury or even surgery can be reduced by more than 50 percent with a new manmade protein, researchers say. November 15, 2006

Study Shows Hot, Dry Air Device Eradicates Head Lice - University of Utah biologists invented a chemical-free, hairdryer-like device - the LouseBuster - and conducted a study showing it eradicates head lice infestations on children by exterminating the eggs or "nits" and killing enough lice to prevent them from reproducing. November 14, 2006

Magnet Lab Researchers Deciphering Flu Virus - As the Northern Hemisphere braces for another flu season, researchers at Florida State University's National High Magnetic Field Laboratory are making strides toward better understanding the mechanics of the virus ... November 13, 2006

Breast Cancer Patients May Benefit From New Accelerated Treatment - Women with early-stage breast cancer may benefit from a new, accelerated approach to radiation therapy making their course of treatment shorter. November 12, 2006

America's Internet Addiction - Study finds that one out of eight Americans exhibit signs of problematic Internet use. November 11, 2006

Experts Look At Effects Of Smoking Cessation Drug, 'Varenicline' - Smoking is the world's leading cause of premature death. Smokers who quit are able to significantly reduce their risk of premature death and other health issues - almost completely if they quit by age thirty and by fifty percent if they quit after age fifty. November 10, 2006

Bone Research That Grows On You - Rapid and guided healing of bones has moved a step closer with research by two biomedical engineering students who have found new ways to deliver bone growth enhancers directly to broken or weakened bones. November 9, 2006

Antiprotons Four Times More Effective Than Protons For Cell Irradiation - A pioneering experiment at CERN with potential future application in cancer therapy has produced its first results. Started in 2003, ACE (Antiproton Cell Experiment) is the first investigation of the biological effects of antiprotons. November 8, 2006

Pituitary Hormone In Menopause Under Study - Regulating a hormone abundant in women approaching menopause could offer alternatives for hormone replacement therapy, Medical College of Georgia researchers say. November 7, 2006

Connection Between Depression And Osteoporosis - Depression can cause a loss of bone mass, leading to osteoporosis and fractures, say researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. November 6, 2006

Regular Exercise Can Stave Off Degenerative Eye Disease - Regular exercise can cut the likelihood of developing the degenerative eye disease, age related macular degeneration by 70%, suggests research published ahead of print in the British Journal of Ophthalmology. November 5, 2006

Household Items May Pose Danger During Pregnancy - What do popcorn bags, frying pans and mattresses have in common? Chemicals contained in these and other common household items may affect maternal thyroid function and ... November 4, 2006

Osteoarthritis Patients Treated With Acupuncture Show Improvement - Osteoarthritis (OA) has a major impact on patients' mobility and quality of life but the anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat it are associated with a number of side effects. November 3, 2006

Computing Catches Up With Theory - Good science requires great patience. In many fields, ideas and theories surge ahead while the tools to test them can take decades to catch up. November 2, 2006

Unique Bra Eases Women's Recovery From Heart Surgery - A national clinical trial led by a University of Calgary researcher has found that wearing a specialized compression bra significantly reduces women's breast pain following heart surgery. November 1, 2006

Exposure To Sunlight Could Reduce Asthma - Australian researchers have found that exposure to measured doses of ultraviolet light, such as sunlight, could reduce asthma. October 31, 2006

Moderate Exercise Reduces The Risk Of Colds In Postmenopausal Women - Postmenopausal women who want to decrease their risk of colds would be well advised to dust off their sneakers and get moving, suggests a new study. October 30, 2006

For Crying Out Loud - Pick Up Your Baby - Parents should listen to their instincts and pick up their newborn babies when they cry, Queensland University of Technology researcher Professor Karen Thorpe said. October 29, 2006

Vitamin C And Water Not Just Healthy For People - Healthy For Plastics, Too - Two new laboratory breakthroughs are poised to dramatically improve how plastics are made by assembling molecular chains more quickly and with less waste. October 28, 2006

Elderly Men With Low Testosterone Levels More Likely To Fall - Low testosterone levels may be associated with a higher risk of falling in older men, according to a report in the October 23 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. October 27, 2006

Receptor That Enables Clear Corneas Is Identified - The cornea stays clear by expressing a soluble form of a receptor that traps factors enabling growth of vision-obstructing blood vessels, researchers say. October 26, 2006

Vegetables, Not Fruit, Help Fight Memory Problems In Old Age - Eating vegetables, not fruit, helps slow down the rate of cognitive change in older adults, according to a study published in the October 24, 2006, issue of Neurology, the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology. October 25, 2006

New Genomic Tests Guide Choice Of Chemotherapy In Cancer Patients - Scientists at Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy have developed a panel of genomic tests that analyzes the unique molecular traits of a cancerous tumor and determines which ... October 24, 2006

Mammograms Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths, But Increase Overdiagnosis - A new review of studies offers good news and bad news for women faced with the decision about whether to get regular mammograms. October 23, 2006

Michigan Hospitals To Have Robot On Call - When a patient arrives at an emergency room with symptoms of a stroke, doctors must act fast. But the crucial decisions that can prevent death or severe disability are harder to make without a neurologist, and not every hospital has one on call. October 22, 2006

Women On Hormone Therapy Regain Emotion Response - Older women on hormone therapy are more sensitive to negative events, confirming speculation that age-related estrogen loss affects the brain's ability to process emotion, an Oregon Health & Science University study shows. October 21, 2006

Eye Research Breakthrough Yields New Clues For Treating Diseases - An international research team has made a discovery about an eye function that could pave the way for better therapies for a wide range of diseases including cancer. October 20, 2006

Innovative Surgery Corrects Vision In Kids With Neurological Disorders - Children with cerebral palsy and other neurological problems often have extremely poor eyesight. Their ability to read, pick up objects and "see" the world is so impaired and complicated to treat that ... October 19, 2006

Daily Weighing And Quick Action Keeps Pounds Off - Most successful dieters regain the weight they lost. But new research shows that stepping on a scale every day, then cutting calories and boosting exercise if the numbers run too high, can significantly help dieters maintain weight loss. October 18, 2006

DNA Computing Targets West Nile Virus - Researchers say that they have developed a DNA-based computer that could lead to faster, more accurate tests for diagnosing West Nile Virus and bird flu. October 17, 2006

Software Helps Doctors Calculate Heart Attack Risk - Pioneering computer software is helping doctors to decide how best to treat patients admitted to hospital with suspected heart attacks. October 16, 2006

Children Of Allergy Sufferers Prone To Same Problem - Infants whose parents have allergies that produce symptoms like wheezing, asthma, hay fever or hives risk developing allergic sensitization much earlier in life than previously reported, according to a study by Cincinnati researchers. October 15, 2006

Tissue Geometry Plays Crucial Role In Breast Cell Invasion - Apropos of National Breast Cancer Awareness month, researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have created a first-of-its-kind model for studying how breast tissue is shaped and structured during development. October 14, 2006

Study Reveals Mechanism For Cancer-drug Resistance - Using the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered a mechanism by which cancer cells become resistant to a specific class of drugs. October 13, 2006

Structure Of Enzyme Offers Treatment Clues For Diabetes, Alzheimer's - Researchers from the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory have deciphered the three-dimensional structure of insulin-degrading enzyme, a promising target for new drugs because it breaks down not only insulin but ... October 12, 2006

Experts: Decaffeinated Coffee Is Not Caffeine-Free - Coffee addicts who switch to decaf for health reasons may not be as free from caffeine’s clutches as they think. A new study by University of Florida researchers documents that almost all decaffeinated coffee contains some measure of caffeine. October 11, 2006

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